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Tips for the 33rd week of pregnancy

Tips for the 33rd week of pregnancy

As a general recommendation, in the 33rd week and throughout pregnancy, the pregnant woman should maintain a healthy diet and proper hydration. In addition, to alleviate heartburn and reflux, frequent small meals will be very helpful.

Exercise adapted to pregnancy will be beneficial, as long as it has not been contraindicated by a specialist, to improve leg discomfort and lower back pain. Putting the legs up when possible will also help to relieve swelling in the ankles and feet.

On the other hand, due to the stretching of the skin on the chest and abdomen, it is important to use a specific cream or oil to prevent stretch marks and itching in pregnancy.

Finally, week 33 may be a good time to start washing and preparing the baby's clothes and the maternity bag that will be taken to the hospital at the time of delivery.

By (embryologist) and .
Last Update: 02/24/2023