Certified Medical Magazine by WMA, ACSA, AACI
Baby development in the fifth month of pregnancy

Baby development in the fifth month of pregnancy

The fifth month of pregnancy is characterised by the fact that the woman begins to notice the movements of the baby in her womb. During gynaecological visits, it is common for the position of the foetus to change: it may be on its side, facing the front, in a transverse position, etc. Therefore, it is at this stage that the woman will most frequently notice the baby's movements.

During the fifth month of pregnancy, the internal organs of the foetus develop significantly. The circulatory system is well developed, with the heart's atria and ventricles delineated (the four chambers into which the heart is divided), and the heart beats with remarkable intensity. The foetus is already about 25 cm long from head to toe and may weigh up to 300 g.

By (embryologist), (embryologist) and (fertility counselor).
Last Update: 06/07/2023