Ovarian puncture is the procedure by which the gynaecologist aspires the ovarian follicles through the vagina and under ultrasound guidance, in order to obtain the oocytes they contain. To do this, the woman has previously been given a hormonal treatment for ovarian stimulation, which will allow the development of more follicles and, therefore, obtain a greater number of oocytes in the puncture.
This small procedure can be uncomfortable and even painful for the woman, as it involves puncturing the vaginal wall and the ovarian capsule. For this reason, anaesthesia makes the process more comfortable for the patient. It also increases safety, as immobility facilitates the gynaecologist's work and avoids possible complications.
Read the full article on: How is anaesthesia used in ovarian puncture for assisted reproduction? ( 48).
By Carolina González Arboleya M. D. (gynecologist) and Silvia Azaña Gutiérrez B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist).
Last Update: 06/13/2023