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Why is IVF more expensive than IUI?

Why is IVF more expensive than IUI?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) has a higher cost than artificial insemination (AI), as it requires more intervention by specialists.

In IUI, the semen simply has to be processed in the laboratory and introduced into the uterus, which can be done in the gynecological office itself. In IVF, on the other hand, the eggs must be surgically removed, fertilized in the laboratory, the embryos must be cultivated and transferred in the operating room. In addition, the cost of medicines and necessary material is also much higher than in IUI.

By (gynecologist), (reproductive endocrinologist), (gynecologist), (embryologist), (gynecologist), (gynecologist), (embryologist) and (biochemist).
Last Update: 05/15/2020