Asherman’s Syndrome – Signs, Treatment & Chances of Pregnancy

By inviTRA Staff
Last Update: 05/04/2022

The Asherman's syndrome, or intrauterine adhesions, is a uterine disease characterized by the formation of adhesions (scar tissue) inside de uterus. In many cases, the uterus walls get distorted and sometimes stuck to each other. Therefore, for its diagnosis, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound to evaluate the state of the uterus.

The extent of the adhesions defines whether the case is mild, moderate, or severe. When the uterus walls get stuck, it can lead to serious infertility issues. The adhesions can be thin or thick, spotty in location, or confluent. In other cases, adhesions only occur in a small portion of the uterus.

The different sections of this article have been assembled into the following table of contents.

Causes of uterine adhesions

Asherman syndrome occurs when the normal healing process in the uterus is initiated. Most commonly, intrauterine adhesions occur after a dilation and curettage, performed because of a miscarriage. The practice of curettage after the loss of a pregnancy is the most common cause of Asherman syndrome.

Bleeding from a cesarean section or natural delivery can also cause scarring. Myomectomy or other gynecological conditions can also cause this syndrome.

These traumas cause, as in any situation, a subsequent healing process in which scar tissue is generated. This tissue has a high adhesive capacity due to its high content of fibrous filaments. The uterus walls get stuck together or get distorted. This fact compromises the uterus's main function: gestate.

Asherman syndrome is, therefore, an acquired condition. Nobody is born with it, but it occurs as a result of a previous clinical case.

How is the diagnosis made?

To determine if the woman suffers from this disease, the gynecologist must carry out several tests to see if there are adhesions through a series of tests detailed below.

It is very important to have the patient's clinical history in mind. It must be checked whether the patient has previously undergone curettage or gynecological operations since, in the case of a curettage after spontaneous abortion, there is an 8% chance of contracting Asherman syndrome. This risk may increase by up to 30% if 3 scrapes have been performed.


Ultrasonography or ultrasound is a diagnostic test that takes pictures of the inside of the body. In this case, transvaginal ultrasonography must be inserted through the vagina and into the uterus to observe this cavity.

This is usually done in the first instance, as it is simple, non-invasive, and can easily be performed in consultation. However, sometimes its results are not conclusive due to the difficulty in interpreting the images obtained. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to more specialized techniques.

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

This medical test consists of a radiograph combined with the use of a contrast medium. This fluid is essential in this test, as it is introduced into the uterus and expands throughout the cavity until it reaches the fallopian tubes and is expelled into the peritoneal space. In this way, the contrast agent "draws" the shape of the uterus and tubes. Once the contrast has been injected, an x-ray is taken.

Hysterosalpingogram is a more complete test than ultrasound, as the presence of adhesions, obstructions, or alterations such as fibroids or polyps is easier to detect.

However, although it does not require anesthesia or is not very painful, it is a complicated procedure that must be scheduled and performed in a specialized unit.


Finally, if the diagnosis after the above tests remains unclear, a diagnostic hysteroscopy may be performed. This test consists of inserting a camera into the uterine cavity to observe it.

The determination of Asherman's syndrome is much clearer with this test since the visualization of the adhesions is more direct. This is why hysteroscopy is the ideal method for its diagnosis.

Symptoms of Asherman's syndrome

The most common symptoms of Asherman Syndrome are:

These symptoms are very common and may be related to many other gynecological pathologies in addition to Asherman syndrome. Therefore, extensive testing is necessary to determine the cause of these signs.

However, these symptoms are much more likely to indicate Asherman's syndrome if they occur suddenly after curettage, curettage, or other uterine surgery.

What is the treatment like?

If the results of the above tests show that you have this syndrome, surgery is necessary, since this condition can be quite painful and have very negative consequences for a woman's fertility.

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Treatment for Asherman syndrome involves the removal and cauterization of adhesions so that the uterus regains its normal shape and size. Generally, this procedure is performed using a surgical hysteroscopy during which, in addition to the optical system through which the uterus is visualized, specialized microsurgical instruments are used to section the adhesions.

Once the scar tissue has been removed, the uterine cavity must remain expanded to prevent the recurrence of adhesions. There are several methods available:

However, the doctor will probably also prescribe hormonal treatment with estrogens for the patient.

On the other hand, treatment may require more thorough examinations and more hysteroscopies for women who have suffered from this syndrome, as there is a possibility of recurrence.

FAQs from users

Can I know if I have Asherman’s syndrome by just checking my hormone levels?

By José Antonio Duque Gallo M.D. Ph.D. (gynecologist).

No, it can be suspected by ultrasound, and diagnosed by hysteroscopy.

Can Asherman syndrome be completely cured?

By Victoria Moliner BSc, MSc (embryologist).

It depends on the degree of the condition, the more severe it is, the more likely the adhesions will reappear in the patient.

Can intrauterine adhesions appear after a cesarean section?

By Victoria Moliner BSc, MSc (embryologist).

Yes, cesarean section may be a reason for intrauterine adhesions to develop because it is a surgical procedure that requires healing after the incisions made to extract the baby.

Is a pregnancy viable with Asherman Syndrome?

By Victoria Moliner BSc, MSc (embryologist).

The presence of intrauterine adhesions seriously compromises the fact that a pregnancy can develop normally. To do this, it is necessary to remove the tissues before the woman becomes pregnant.

Can Asherman syndrome be the cause of endometriosis?

By Victoria Moliner BSc, MSc (embryologist).

It is possible that blood clots retained by the adhesions can be evacuated retrograde into the abdominal cavity, landing on the tubes or ovaries and forming cysts. Suffering from Asherman syndrome may be a reason to develop endometriosis, as the retrograde menstruation mechanism results precisely from it.

By Silvia Azaña Gutiérrez B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist).

Yes, Asherman's syndrome can appear after some infections such as genital tuberculosis, which can lead to fertility problems in women.

According to most clinical sources, performing a curettage is the most frequent cause of contracting this syndrome. Curettage is a surgical procedure that is often necessary after the loss of a pregnancy. We tell you what it consists of in the link below: Uterine curettage: procedure, recovery, and complications.

The formation of adhesions causes the uterus to narrow and its internal cavity to shrink. This obviously prevents a pregnancy from being carried to term, as the fetus cannot develop normally due to the lack of space. As a result, a miscarriage ends up occurring. If you want to know what signs are symptoms of miscarriage and what other causes can provoke it, click on the following link: Miscarriage: symptoms, causes, and consequences.

At the end of this post, we have commented that the incurable Asherman's syndrome arises from the total destruction of the endometrium. This tissue is very important in a woman's reproductive cycle. We recommend that you read the following article to learn more about it: What is the endometrium? - Thickening, types, and pathologies

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