Educational background
- XIII University Master in Human Reproduction, organized by the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid and the Spanish Society of Fertility 2016/2017.
- Intern Resident Doctor for the Specialty of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital Complex A Coruña. (Via MIR) 2012-2016.
- Homologation of Medical Surgeon Degree to Bachelor of Medicine to Spanish Official University Degree 2009.
- Diploma in "Ética médica y Aspectos Le-gales de la Medicina". Hispanic American Society of Medical Law, 2008.
- Diploma in Ultrasound. Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga de ICA, Lima- Peru 2008.
- Diploma in Emergencies and Medical Emergencies. Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizan, Lima Peru, 2007.
- Surgeon. University Ricardo Palma, Lima Peru 2006
- National Hospital Sergio E. Bernales- Comas Peru. Medical Internship 2005
Professional experience
- Assisted Reproduction Clinic Fivmadrid Valladolid. Gynecologist (July 2016 - Present)
- University Hospital Complex A Coruña.Intern. (May 2012 - May 2016)
- School of Foreign Trade and Customs "MONTESSORI" as Primary Care Physician at the institution (March - December 2011)
- Arcángel Medical Center of "Albis Laboratories" as Primary Care Physician in outpatient consultations to the general population (February - May 2011)
- Educational Services Cooperative "Colegio San Felipe" as Primary Care Physician in Medicine Topic (pediatric care and administrative staff) of the institution (March 2009 - December 2010)
- Polyclinic "Rospigliosi" as Primary Care Physician. (July 2007 - May 2008). Province of Lima. District of Lince.
- Medical center "Cristo Reina" as a Primary Care Physician. (June 2006 - July 2007). Province of Callao, department of Lima.
- Marginal Urban Rural Health Service, La Balsa Health Post, Province of San Ignacio, Department of Cajamarca Peru. (May 2006 - April 2007)
Latest articles and collaborations
- Ovarian Teratoma - Can It Contain Teeth, Hair & Other Organs?
- What is hyperprolactinemia? - Causes, symptoms and treatments
- Vaginal Ring As Mean Of Contraception: How Does It Work?
- Why are contraceptives taken before IVF? How many days?
- Egg quality in females - how to achieve high-quality oocytes
Latest replies to FAQs
- Is it common to use the contraceptive ring before fertility treatment instead of pills?
- Can I get pregnant with high prolactin?
- Do teratomas form before birth?
- Can seminal infections cause oligospermia?
- How is the quality of the eggs evaluated?
Last Update: 12/12/2019