- Titulación y formación
- Experiencia laboral
- Honors and awards
- Scientific community involvement
- Últimos artículos y preguntas
Titulación y formación
- Master in Medical Genetics, University of Granada (2017-2018)
- University degree in Medical Genetics. University of Valencia (2016-2017)
- Title of Expert in Assisted Human Reproduction. University of Salamanca(2012-2013)
- Doctorate in Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the University of the Basque Country(2008-2010)
- Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology via MIR at the Donostia University Hospital (2008-2012)
- Degree in Medicine from the University of Navarra (2001-2007)
Experiencia laboral
- Specialist in Gynecology, Obstetrics and Human Reproduction at the Basque Fertility Institute in Donostia (Since March 2015)
- Specialist in Gynecology, Obstetrics and Human Reproduction, Hospital Universitario Donostia(2012-2017)
- Specialist in Gynecology, Obstetrics and Human Reproduction, working at the Virgen del Pilar Private Health Care Center (2013-2014)
- Gynecologist at the Assisted Reproduction Unit of the Virgen de la Salud Hospital in Toledo (2014-2018)
Honors and awards
- Pre-selected for the Faculty's Special End-of-Career Award for one of the 5 best student records
- Second place in the Best Resident Award 2012 of the Hospital Universitario Donostia
- Communication Awarded in the category of presentation at the 22nd National Congress of the Perinatal Medicine Section of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics in 2010
Scientific community involvement
- Member of SEF and ESHRE
- Participation in various scientific publications in national and international journals highlighting: "Double balloon device compared to oxytocin for induction of labour after previous caesarean section. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2013, 3, 212-216"
Latest articles and collaborations
- Is it possible to achieve pregnancy in men with teratozoospermia?
- Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY Syndrome) - Symptoms, Causes & Fertility
- Epididymitis or Inflamed Testicles: A Cause For Male Sterility?
- What is ectopic pregnancy? - Types, symptoms and diagnosis
- What are the main causes of azoospermia?
- What Are The Single Steps Of Egg Donation?
- What are the main procedures used for permanant birth control?
- The cost of hormonal medication in assisted reproduction treatments
- How Does PCOS Affect Female Fertility?
Latest replies to FAQs
- Can I work out with epididymitis?
- Is the cost of medication for IVF the same as for IUI?
- Is there an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy after tubal ligation?
- Can stress lead to azoospermia?
- What is the best pregnancy option for a couple diagnosed with teratozoospermia and PCOS?
- Can any woman over the age of 18 be an egg donor?
- Is pregnancy possible with Klinefelter syndrome?
- Are PCOS and female infertility related?
Last Update: 04/13/2023