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What is IVF with vitrified eggs and what are the results like?
 Esther Marbán Bermejo M.D.

Esther Marbán Bermejo M.D.

License: 282859737 | Clínica Tambre.

Titulación y formación

  • Training course "VI Magister en Reproducción Humana”. Organized by the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF), and the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Third degree studies from the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Medical Doctor specializing in Obstetrics & Gynecology via M. I. R. at Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón (Madrid)
  • Bachelor's Degree in Medicine from the University of Alcalá (Madrid)

Experiencia laboral

  • OB/GYN at Clínica Tambre (2010-present)
  • OB/GYN at Hospital Universitario Madrid Montepríncipe (2011-2013)

Últimos vídeos

Honors and awards

  • Fellow of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF)
  • Fellow of the Spanish Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO)

Scientific community involvement

Acquired Angioedema With Anti-C1-inhibitor Autoantibodies During Assisted Reproduction Techniques. Marbán Bermejo E, Caballero T, López-Trascasa M, Caballero Peregrín P, Gil Herrera J. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2018;28(1):62-64.

Participación en la redacción del capítulo para la Sociedad Española de Fertilidad: “Organización de la atención a la pareja estéril” Mayo 2013.

“Diagnóstico prenatal de un hemangioma occipital de rápida involución”. Ilic I, Marbán E, Antolín E, Ruiz Y, De León J, Gámez F, Pérez R, Aguarón A, Ortiz L. Progr Diag Trat Prenat 2009;21(4):1-5.

Last Update: 04/13/2023