Certified Medical Magazine by WMA, ACSA, AACI
Listeriosis in Pregnancy: Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment
 Lydia Pilar Suárez M.D., M.Sc.

Lydia Pilar Suárez M.D., M.Sc.

Licence number: 64136 | Fertility Madrid.

Titulación y formación

  • Master in human reproduction. University Rey Juan Carlos - IVI
  • Specialist in Obstretrics and Gynecology. University Hospital of San Carlos de Madrid
  • Bachelor degree in Medicine and Surgery. Universidad de Oviedo- Asturias.

Experiencia laboral

  • Gynecologist in Fertility Madrid (since 2008)
  • Gynecologist in Eva Fertility Clinics - Clínica de Santa Engracia (2015-2018)

Honors and awards

Member of the Spanish Society for Gynecology and Obstretrics (SEGO)

Scientific community involvement

- Design and participation in the research study on "Hyperhomocysteinemia and gestational pathology: repeat abortions, pre-eclampsia, restricted intrauterine growth and premature detachment of normally inserted placenta". San Carlos Clinical Hospital. November, 2011. Madrid.

- PhD in Assisted Reproduction and Immunology through Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Hospital Clínico San Carlos, in collaboration with the Fertility Madrid Reproductive Center, under the following project: "Immunological study in follicular fluid and endometrial biopsy in patients with repeated miscarriages and recurrent implantation failure of inflammatory origin", directed by Dr. Marta Calvo and Silvia Sánchez-Ramón, and Dr. Miguel Ángel Herráiz.

Last Update: 04/18/2023