- Titulación y formación
- Experiencia laboral
- Scientific community involvement
- Últimos artículos y preguntas
Titulación y formación
- Master's Degree in Design & Clinical Research Analysis from the Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Master's Degree in Human Reproduction from the King Juan Carlos University and the IVI
- Specialist in Gynecology & Obstetrics
- Bachelor's Degree in Medicine & Surgery from the University of Murcia
Experiencia laboral
- Gynecologist specialized in Human Assisted Reproduction at UR Vistahermosa (Jan 2021-Present)
- Gynecologist specialized in Human Assisted Reproduction at Next Fertility Murcia (2017-Dec 2020)
- Medical Director-Gynecologist at EVA Fertility Clinics Murcia and Cartagena (2016-2017)
- OB/GYN specialized in Assisted Reproduction at IVI Murcia and IVI Madrid (2014-2016)
- Associate Gynecologist at Assisted Reproduction Unit of Quirón Valencia Ginecólogo adjunto Unidad Reproducción Quirón Valencia as a doctor-on-call at Hospital Sagunto (2014)
- OB/GYN after medical residence at Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia (2014)
Scientific community involvement
- Member of the Spanish Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology (SEGO)
- Member of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF)
- Co-author of Chapter 6: Somatostatinoma del libro Patologías Endocrinas de Baja Prevalencia
- Some posters and talks at national conferences
Latest articles and collaborations
- How are spermatozoa formed? - Phases of spermatogenesis
- What causes premature birth? - Risks, causes and symptoms
- Why are contraceptives taken before IVF? How many days?
- What is a premature baby? - Causes, care and complications
- Risks associated with multiple pregnancy for the mother and babies
- Multiple pregnancies and assisted reproduction: the pros and cons
- The low response to ovarian stimulation: causes and treatments.
- The IVF Process - How Is It Done Step by Step?
- How does endometriosis affect a woman's fertility?
- Can You Get Pregnant with Endometriosis? - Your Chances of Success
Last Update: 04/18/2023