- Titulación y formación
- Experiencia laboral
- Honors and awards
- Scientific community involvement
- Últimos artículos y preguntas
Titulación y formación
- Postgraduate specialization in Esthetic and Functional Gynecology and Cosmetic Genital Surgery for Women by the University of Barcelona (January 2018-December 2018)
- Clinical Observership in Gynecological Oncology by Istituto Europeo diOncologia di Milano (February 2017)
- Clinical Observership in Endoscopy and Pelvic Floor at Igualada Hospital (October 2016)
- Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (September 2006-May 2012)
Experiencia laboral
- Collaborator in the Newsletter of Histeroscopia Internacional (January 2018-News)
- F.E.A. Gynecology and Obstetrics at QuirónSalud PalmaPlanas de Palma de Mallorca (August 2017-present)
- F.E.A. Gynecology and Obstetrics in private center Fertility Institute (May 2017-present)
- F.E.A. Gynecology and Obstetrics at Centro Privado Hospital Juaneda Muro (May 2017-December 2018)
- Reviewer in female human reproduction in the Electronic Gazette of the Spanish Society
of Gynecology and Obstetrics (January 2017-January 2018) - MIR of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Hospital Universitario Son Espases (May 2013-May 2017)
Honors and awards
- Member of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO).
- Member of the Balearic Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SBGO).
- Member of the Col-legi Oficial de Metges de les Illes Balears (COMIB).
- Member of the Fundació Acadèmica de Ciències Mediques i de la Salut de Catalunya and
Balearic Islands. - Member of the Catalan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (SCGO).
- Member of the Spanish Association for the Study of Menopause (AEEM).
Scientific community involvement
Currently, Dr. Rubén Baltá is directing different projects:
- RubenBalta.com | Salud Integral de la Mujer
- Look4Health.com | Best Health Finder
- DiagnosticoPrenatalNoInvasivo.com
In addition, he has attended numerous national and international courses and congresses and has multiple publications.
Latest articles and collaborations
- What vitamins should be taken during pregnancy?
- What are the main causes of miscarriage?
- What Are the Different Treatment Options for PCOS?
- Does vitamin D influence pregnancy and fertility?
- Planned caesarean section, when is it indicated, and what are the risks?
- What causes female infertility & sterility? Symptoms and treatments
- What is endometrial hyperplasia and why does it occur?
- Is natural childbirth or cesarean section better? - Advantages and disadvantages
- Surgery as a solution to problems in the Fallopian Tubes
- Uterine Prolapse - Symptoms, Stages & Treatment
- Epidural Anesthesia During Labor: Benefits & Side Effects
- Blocked Fallopian Tubes - Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment
Latest replies to FAQs
- Does uterine prolapse affect pregnancy?
- Are there other symptoms associated with endometrial hyperplasia besides abnormal bleeding?
- Is pregnancy possible after oophorectomy?
- Do breech deliveries always end in cesarean section?
- What are the consequences of low vitamin D levels in pregnancy?
- How is the childbirth with the walking epidural?
- Is surgery a solution to blocked fallopian tubes?
Last Update: 08/01/2018