Titulación y formación
- Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Hospital General de Alicante
- Bachelor's Degree in Medicine & Surgery from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche
Experiencia laboral
- National Medical Director of IVF Spain. Gynecologist specialized in Reproductive Medicine. Head of gamete donation Unit of IVF Spain (2011-present)
- Obstetrician & Gynecologist at Equip Ayud, S.L. (Hopital Perpetuo Socorro + Clínica Vistahermosa) (2007-2010)
- Clinical Director at ICSI (Instituto Científico de Salud e Infertilidad) (2007-2010)
- Obstetrician & Gynecologist at Hospital Vega Baja (2008)
- Obstetrician & Gynecologist at Hospital General Universitario de Alicante (2005-2008)
- Obstetrician & Gynecologist at IMFER (Instituto Murciano de Fertilidad) (2005-2007)
Honors and awards
- Lecturer of Master's Degree in Human Fertility through the Chair Human Fertility, University of Alicante
- Expert in Medical Genetics
Latest articles and collaborations
- Azoospermia - Can a Man Actually Have Zero Sperm Count?
- Is it possible to achieve pregnancy in men with teratozoospermia?
- What is a vasectomy? The procedure its effectiveness explained
- What is a basic semen analysis and how is it done step by step?
- Which Methods Are Used to Assess Sperm Vitality?
- Fertility treatments for couples: how to achieve pregnancy?
- What Diseases Are Associated with Azoospermia?
- Embryo Transfer in Natural Cycles: Advantages & Disadvantages
- What Is the Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)?
- Fertility preservation in young women: recommendations and ideas
- IVF or ICSI: What is the difference? Which is better?
- What alterations can occur in cervical mucus?
- What Diseases Are Associated with Oligospermia?
- What is meant by egg vitrification and what are its advantages?
- Sperm Test Results Explained - Interpretation & Normal Values
- Fragile X syndrome: what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment
- Post Vasectomy Semen Analysis - How Many Tests to Confirm Sterility?
- Male Fertility Testing - How Do You Know if You Are Infertile?
- Absent uterus: What is Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome?
- Low ovarian reserve? Causes and possibilities of getting pregnant
- What Is Retrograde Ejaculation? - Causes & Treatment
- Improving Sperm Selection with MACS: Definition & Indication
- What recommendations should be followed to improve sperm quality?
- Fluorescent in situ hybridization FISH: Alterations in Sperm Cells
- What is reciprocal IVF? - IVF with donor egg from female partner
- What Does It Mean to Have a Threatened Miscarriage?
- What is Huntington's disease and can it be prevented with PGD?
- The menstrual cycle: what happens in each of its phases?
- What are Estrogens? Types, Functions and Drugs
- What is Vaginismus? - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
- Assisted reproduction techniques: differences and complexities
- Immunologic infertility: types, causes and treatments
- Preserving Fertility in Women with Cancer
- What diseases and disorders are the causes of male infertility?
- Female infertility due to tubal factor: causes and treatments
- Does sexual intercourse affect embryo transfer?
- Is mobile phone use linked to poor semen quality?
- What is endometrial hyperplasia and why does it occur?
- Uterus Tipped Backwards: Causes & Symptomes of Retroverted Uterus
- Is Egg Donation Dangerous? - Health Risks & Side Effects for Donors
- What is the price of a complete semen analysis in Spain?
- Is evening primrose oil beneficial for female fertility?
- What is the contraceptive pill? - Efficacy, how to take it and risks
- When should you take a pregnancy test for it to be reliable?
- Recommendations for starting assisted reproduction treatment
- What does the follicular puncture of an IVF process consist of?
- The IVF Process - How Is It Done Step by Step?
- What is hCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone?
- What are ovarian cysts? - Types, symptoms and treatment
- How is sperm donation explained step by step?
Latest replies to FAQs
- Is pregnancy possible with retrograde ejaculation?
- How can semen quality be improved?
- Can I become a mother if I have Huntington's disease?
- Is natural pregnancy with teratozoospermia possible?
- Is it advisable to have sex after an embryo transfer? Is it advisable to have sex after an embryo transfer?
- What are the main causes of a low ovarian reserve?
- If I don´t want to have an amniocentesis, what is the best alternative?
- Can leftover embryos from reciprocal IVF be transferred to the woman who donated her eggs?
- How is Rokitansky syndrome diagnosed?
- What tests are included in a complete semen analysis?
- Can long-term use of hormonal contraceptives cause infertility?
- IVF or ICSI, who chooses the technique to be applied in each case and how?
- Can sperm vitality be improved?
- What is the best reproductive option for cases of immunological infertility?
- What are the recommendations after IVF?
- What is recommended when only three eggs are obtained in the ovarian puncture of an IVF cycle?
- Why do I have hCG hormone in my blood if I am not pregnant?
- Are there any alterations in a woman's cervical mucus that may affect her fertility?
- If I want to be a sperm donor, how many sperm samples do I have to provide?
- What is the relationship between fragile X and early menopause?
- What is endometrial hyperplasia?
- Can pregnancy be achieved with a single fallopian tube?
- Do women with endometriosis have poorer oocyte quality?
- What tests are performed for fertility treatment?
- What problems can be caused by the presence of ovarian cysts?
- Can I have a male fertility problem if I have been diagnosed with normozoospermia?
- Does vaginismus cause infertility or female sterility?
- Is the success rate higher for frozen embryo transfers in a natural cycle?
- What genetic causes are associated with azoospermia?
- Can egg donation harm the donor's fertility?
- Is it advisable to perform ovarian puncture with hyperstimulation?
- Can severe oligospermia stem from varicocele?
- How does Donor egg IVF work?
- Is there any preventive treatment for azoospermia?
- When is it recommended to check if the vasectomy has been effective?
- Can I have fertility problems if I have a retroverted uterus?
- Can having your phone in your pocket make you infertile?
- What tips should a woman follow who wants to get pregnant?
- What is the drug Progynova used for?
- I sufferd from STD's in the past. Am I sterile now?
- What are the benefits of evening primrose oil?
- From how many failed cycles is it recommended to use the MACS technique?
- Can sperm quality increase the risk of miscarriage?
- Can nerves during the Two Week Wait affect the success of IVF?
- Does mini IVF work for women over 37 years?
Last Update: 08/01/2018