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What are the benefits of babywearing?

What are the benefits of babywearing?

There are parents who wonder whether or not babywearing is good for their babies. However, if babywearing is done ergonomically, safely and with an approved baby carrier, it has benefits for the baby, such as the following:

  • He is calmer and cries less.
  • He sleeps more and has a better quality of sleep.
  • It favours temperature control.
  • Reduces gastro-oesophageal reflux and infant colic and expels gas better.
  • Better development of the baby's back and hips.
  • Avoids postural plagiocephaly.

In addition, breastfeeding is also favoured with the baby carrier due to a greater milk production and to meet the baby's demand as soon as he starts to seek the breast

By (embryologist) and (embryologist).
Last Update: 05/02/2024