A bicornuate uterus is a uterine malformation characterized by the presence of two symmetrical uterine cavities, although the horns are not fully developed.
The cause of this type of uterus is an alteration in the fusion of the Müllerian ducts and a heart-shaped cleft is formed in the upper part of the uterus. For this reason, the bicornuate uterus is also known as a heart-shaped uterus.
Depending on whether the cleft reaches the internal and external cervical os, or only extends inside the uterus, there are two modalities: complete bicornuate uterus and partial bicornuate uterus respectively.
Depending on the severity of the severity of this uterine anomaly, the risk of miscarriage and premature delivery may be increased.
The different sections of this article have been assembled into the following table of contents.
A bicornuate uterus is a congenital uterine malformation characterized by a heart-shaped uterus divided by two partially developed horns. Therefore, the lower or caudal part of the uterus is normal; while the upper part is double.
Although bicornuate uterus is a malformation from birth, it is not hereditary. The cause of this uterine malformation is an incomplete fusion of the Müllerian ducts during embryonic development.
There are different degrees of bicornuate uterus according to the separation of the uterine necks:
In addition, a distinction can be made between partial or complete bicornuate uterus depending on whether the cleft affects only the inside of the uterus or also the outside.
Sometimes the bicornuate uterus can be confused with the didelphic uterus, but they are different uterine malformations. The difference between a bicornuate uterus and a didelphic uterus is that the horns are not fully developed and are smaller in size.
Most women with a bicornuate uterus are asymptomatic, although some of them may have painful menstruation and sexual intercourse. However, many women are not aware that they have this uterine malformation until they try to become pregnant.
Depending on the severity of the uterine cleft, some of the following problems may arise in women with a bicornuate uterus:
However, there are women with a bicornuate uterus who manage to get pregnant and deliver without any complications.
As mentioned above, the bicornuate uterus is generally asymptomatic. Therefore, this uterine malformation can be difficult to diagnose without specific tests.
On most occasions, the bicornuate uterus is discovered during an ultrasound performed for other reasons. In addition, other complementary studies may be performed to confirm the diagnosis:
Women with bicornuate uterus without any symptoms do not require specific treatment. On the other hand, if there is pelvic pain, menstrual problems or difficulty in achieving pregnancy, then it would be necessary to establish a treatment.
Problems in achieving pregnancy due to the presence of a bicornuate uterus can be solved in some cases by assisted reproductive techniques. Specifically, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is a viable option for many women with this type of uterine malformation.
Given this situation, the IVF process would consist of stimulating the woman's ovaries to produce several eggs, which will be collected after ovarian puncture and fertilized in the laboratory with a seminal sample. The resulting embryos are then transferred into the uterus, with the hope that they will implant in the endometrium.
In the most severe cases of bicornuate uterus, recurrent miscarriages and gestational complications may occur. Therefore, it would be necessary to consider the option of correcting the uterine anomaly by surgery. This type of surgical procedure is known as metroplasty or hysteroplastyalthough it is rarely performed.
In any case, it is essential to perform a personalized evaluation and establish the best therapeutic option for each woman.
Yes, women with a bicornuate uterus can become pregnant naturally or after assisted reproduction techniques. In both cases, closer monitoring is recommended because of the risk of miscarriage, premature birth or other complications during pregnancy.
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It would be possible for two embryos to be implanted in a bicornuate uterus, that is, each one in a uterine cavity. However, this could result in a high-risk pregnancy, with a high risk of miscarriage and premature delivery.
In the case of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, it is not advisable to transfer two embryos if the woman has a uterine malformation with these characteristics.
The main complications associated with this uterine malformation are related to pregnancy. Depending on the severity of the bicornuate uterus, the woman may have difficulty becoming pregnant.
In addition, the bicornuate uterus is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, premature delivery and breech fetal presentation.
There are studies that indicate that cesarean delivery is more common in women with a bicornuate uterus. This is because there is a greater tendency for the baby to be breech, always looking for the position with more space for the head and the risk of premature delivery.
No. One of the contraindications of the intrauterine device or IUD is uterine malformations. Therefore, it is not possible to insert an IUD in women who have a bicornuate uterus.
If you would like to know more information about other alterations in the shape of the uterus, we recommend you visit the following article: Uterine malformations in women: can they cause infertility?
In addition, uterine malformations can be a cause of female infertility. However, there are other reasons at the uterine level that can also cause problems conceiving. Here you have more information about it: Female infertility due to uterine factor: causes and treatment.
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