When a mother chooses to breastfeed, it is important to take care of her diet during this period since the baby receives all the nutrients necessary for its development through breast milk.
Therefore, it is recommended that women follow a healthy and balanced diet during the breastfeeding period. It is not necessary to follow a specific dietary pattern, but it is necessary to pay attention to some beneficial foods and others that may be harmful.
It is essential that it is a varied diet and that there is a nutritional contribution of fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, meats, fish, eggs and dairy products.
The different sections of this article have been assembled into the following table of contents.
One of the benefits of breastfeeding is that it helps women lose weight after giving birth. This is due to the energy consumption involved in breastfeeding. However, it is not advisable to go on any kind of diet during breastfeeding to lose weight and regain size.
In addition, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), breast milk is the best food for a nursing baby, since it contains all the nutrients it needs (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water) in quantity and quality. Another benefit of breast milk is that it provides antibodies to the baby to strengthen its immune system.
However, in order for the composition of the milk to be adequate and to provide the baby with all the necessary components for its development, the mother must eat a healthy diet.
It is true that breast milk is able to cover the baby's nutritional needs, even if the mother does not feed herself correctly. However, if the mother does not follow a healthy diet during breastfeeding it could be detrimental to health, as the lack of nutrients will be drawn from the mother's reserves.
Breastfeeding is, together with pregnancy, one of the stages of a woman's life with the highest nutritional requirements.
On the other hand, a low-calorie diet or a diet that includes foods from only one food group may decrease the quantity and quality of milk produced.
On numerous occasions, mothers who choose to breastfeed notice an increase in hunger. This is completely normal, as the body is exerting a greater effort to produce milk.
Despite this increased hunger, it is advisable to consume small amounts, but very frequently. This will help to maintain constant energy levels, as well as control hunger and avoid binge eating.
Other important considerations about feeding during breastfeeding, as well as the most appropriate foods and beverages for breastfeeding, are detailed below.
In order to follow a healthy diet during lactation, it is essential to consider variety and balance.
A mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is mandatory at meals, as it provides energy to produce milk and supplies the body with all essential nutrients.
Among the most suitable foods during lactation, we find the following:
On the other hand, if you want to learn more about food and fertility in women, we recommend you to visit this link: What are the types of foods that promote female fertility?
Some foods, especially vegetables, can affect the organoleptic and digestive characteristics of breast milk. Therefore, the baby may react to certain foods if he does not like the taste of the milk or it does not agree with him.
Normally, the baby will cry or feel irritated after feeding if he notices that the milk tastes too strong for him. It is important for the mother to observe these reactions and, if necessary, eliminate these foods that displease the baby until breastfeeding is terminated.
Some of these foods are the following: citrus fruits, cauliflower, asparagus, artichokes, onions, red radishes, raw peppers, garlic, leeks and spicy food.
It should be noted that if the baby does not respond badly to these products, it is not necessary to stop taking them. Some experts say that it is also beneficial for the baby to become accustomed to different flavors through breast milk.
Despite consuming large amounts of fruits and vegetables, most doctors recommend taking vitamin supplements during breastfeeding.
Depending on each woman and her needs, it is possible to continue with prenatal vitamins or the doctor may prescribe other multivitamin complexes.
In general, the vitamins and minerals that should not be lacking during lactation are the following:
In addition, lactating women should increase their daily intake of vitamins A and B in fruits and vegetables by 30-50%, as their requirements increase considerably during this period.
Some foods should be avoided or reduced during breastfeeding because they may be detrimental to the baby's health. These are discussed below:
Finally, special care must also be taken with medications, especially antitussives, corticosteroids, and some antibiotics, as they can pass into the milk and have harmful effects on the newborn.
If you need to take any medication during breastfeeding, it is best to seek medical advice and avoid self-medication.
Maintaining proper and adequate hydration during the breastfeeding period is crucial, as it ensures daily milk production.
Breast milk is composed of 85-90% water. For this reason, it is advisable to drink at least 2 liters (8 glasses) of water daily, in addition to the amount of water obtained from the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
You can vary your daily water intake with other beverages such as herbal teas, natural juices, broths and soups. In this way, the recommended fluid intake would also be guaranteed.
Breastfeeding involves a loss of nutrients through the milk that will require special nutritional needs, even greater than during pregnancy. Therefore, in general, during lactation, intake should be increased, avoiding diets of less than 1800 cal per day.
Both the maternal nutritional status and the adequate nutrition of the infant will depend on this. However, even in cases of maternal malnutrition such as famine, breast milk will have an excellent nutritional and immunological value with stable levels of iron, zinc, folate, calcium, etc., since the energy, proteins, and nutrients in the milk come both from the diet and from the mother's own reserves.
In short, a varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and foods of animal origin is recommended, as well as the supplements indicated by scientific societies.
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Yes, it is normal to lose weight during breastfeeding, but some women may keep the same or even gain some weight. This depends on diet, exercise and metabolism.
During breastfeeding, it is possible to go on a weight loss diet, but be careful. It is not advisable to start the diet before the baby is two months old, as it can significantly affect milk production. On the other hand, the diet should be very unrestrictive and lose weight slowly. If the weight loss is too rapid, it is possible to release toxins derived from body fat into the breast milk, which is harmful to the baby.
Over time, there have been some erroneous or false beliefs about breast milk and breastfeeding that have ultimately proven to be false. Listed below are some of these false beliefs:
All of these claims about breastfeeding are false and unscientific. Therefore, these beliefs do not affect the ability to breastfeed or the quality of the milk.
Some experts affirm that certain foods can have a negative influence on milk and, therefore, it is advisable to eliminate them so as not to cause discomfort to the baby. These foods are the following: cabbage, onions, garlic, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cow's milk and its derivatives, chocolate, etc.
Yes, vegetarian or vegan mothers can continue with their eating habits without any problem during the breastfeeding stage. However, it is recommended to take into account some medical considerations and to take certain vitamin supplements.
A nursing mother should have a balanced and varied diet in order to provide the necessary nutrients to the baby during breastfeeding. In addition, many specialists recommend the administration of vitamin supplements during breastfeeding.
For all these reasons, the World Health Organization (WHO) states that breast milk is good for babies, as it contains all the nutrients. Breast milk
If you would like to know the advantages of breastfeeding, we recommend you to visit the following article: Benefits of breastfeeding for the baby and the mother.
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