Many women wonder if they can get their period while pregnant. It is common for this question to arise, as spotting or bleeding may occur at different times during pregnancy. Although it is generally not serious to have a small bleed, it is advisable to consult a specialist in case it could be an indication of a problem in the pregnancy.
It is not possible to be pregnant and have menstruation at the same time, although it is common to experience a small amount of vaginal bleeding that has nothing to do with menstrual periods.
About 30% of women experience blood loss during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, although it is not uncommon at other times either. In fact, approximately one in 200 pregnant women also experience vaginal bleeding in the second and third trimester.
The different sections of this article have been assembled into the following table of contents.
Menstruation is the shedding of the endometrium, that is, the process by which the endometrium detaches from the uterine walls when the ovum has not been fertilized.
The brain sends hormonal signals to the ovary so that, if the eggs is fertilized and then the embyro implants, the uterine endometrium does not detach and develops properly to house, nourish and protect the baby. For this reason, there is no shedding of the endometrium during pregnancy, that is to say there is no menstruation.
If normal menstrual periods were to occur, it would mean that the woman would discard the uterine membrane responsible for nourishing the baby. Therefore, the baby would not be able to develop and the pregnancy would be lost.
You can find out what the endometrium is and its role in pregnancy in this link: What is the endometrium?.
Although menstruation during pregnancy is not possible, many women experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, especially towards the start. This is called decidual bleeding.
This is usually vaginal blood loss caused by the hormonal imbalance characteristic of pregnancy. They do not normally pose a danger to the baby or the mother.
Spotting and light bleeds are common in the following physiological processes during pregnancy:
However, if the bleeding becomes heavy and painful, it is recommended to see a gynecologist, as this is indicative of serious complications that can lead to miscarriage.
Normally, small amounts of spotting are caused by the normal physiological development of pregnancy. However, there are occasions when bleeding can become dangerous and could mean a threatened miscarriage.
Below are some pregnancy complications that can lead to severe bleeding:
Vaginal bleeding is often of great concern to pregnant women, as it may be a sign of miscarriage. However, it is important to note that only a fraction of these bleeds result in miscarriages or serious consequences. In any case, if the pregnant woman has bleeding, it is best to consult a specialist as soon as possible.
You can find out more about the possible causes of bleeding during pregnancy here: Is bleeding in pregnancy normal?
No, it is not possible to have a period while pregnant. Bleeding or spotting at this time is usually caused by the normal hormonal changes of pregnancy, implantation bleeding or physiological changes in the cervix in preparation for childbirth.
It is important to monitor the bleeding and consult a doctor whenever it is heavy or painful. If in doubt, it is best to see a doctor in case there could be a serious situation.
Not necessarily. Slight spotting or bleeding in early pregnancy is very common. It may be due to normal hormonal changes caused by pregnancy. If you have heavy bleeding, pain or are concerned, it is best to see your doctor.
It is usually a light spotting, less abundant than menstruation and of short duration. It is usually slightly brown in color, but may be pinkish or even red. If it is abundant and of long duration, it is most likely your menstruation and therefore there is no pregnancy.
Find out more about this very characteristic bleeding in this link: What is implantation bleeding?
Not necessarily. It is important to differentiate whether the bleeding is menstrual bleeding or possible implantation bleeding.
If unprotected intercourse has taken place and there is a slight pinkish bleeding, it could be implantation bleeding. In this case, there is a possibility that pregnancy has occurred.
On the other hand, if the spotting is bright red, heavy and prolonged, it is probably a period. Therefore, there would not be pregnancy, but simply an irregularity in the menstrual cycle.
One of the possible reasons for mild spotting during the first weeks of pregnancy is due to the implantation of the embryo. For more information on this topic, we recommend you visit the following article: What is implantation bleeding? Characteristics, signs and symptoms.
In addition to pregnancy bleeding, there are other pregnancy complications. You can read about them in depth here: What Are Considered Pregnancy Complications?
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Jan J Brosens, Malcolm G Parker, Angus McIndoe, Robert Pijnenborg, Ivo A Brosens. A role for menstruation in preconditioning the uterus for successful pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Jun;200(6):615.e1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2008.11.037. Epub 2009 Jan 10 (View)
John Jarrell. The significance and evolution of menstruation. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2018 Jul;50:18-26 (View)
Wen-Juan Liu, Ying-Qi Nong, Jian-Xing Ruan, Ye Chen, Lin Fan, Qian-Wen Huang, Feng-Hua Liu. Impact of endometrial thickness during menstruation and endometrial scratching on the pregnancy in frozen-thawed embryo transfer. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2019 Mar;45(3):619-625. doi: 10.1111/jog.13872. Epub 2018 Dec 4 (View)