Certified Medical Magazine by WMA, ACSA, AACI
Center for Reproductive Medicine & Robotic Surgery

Center for Reproductive Medicine & Robotic Surgery

3 comments / opinions
    1. Hey there,
      Is this clinic open at the weekends? I work long hours all week!

      • Hi Fifi2323

        According to their wesbite this clinic is closed on the weekends, But they do have an out of hours number available for their patients.

        Don´t forget you can check out more fertility centers on our website, to help you can find the best one to suit your needs. You can search our clinic directory here: Clinic Directory.

        I hope this helps

    2. My wife and I have been trying for a baby for a few months now with no success. We live in St Louis and are looking for somewhere to see if we have any infertility problems. Has anyone had any experiences with this place?