Cesarean section is a surgical intervention that allows the birth of a baby through the mother's abdomen.
Cesarean section has some advantages over natural childbirth, such as less suffering for the baby. However, the disadvantages of this surgical technique are greater, and, therefore, the general recommendation is to apply it only in specific cases where vaginal delivery is not possible.
The different sections of this article have been assembled into the following table of contents.
Cesarean section is a surgery to remove the baby at the time of birth through a double incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
In most cases, it is preferable for babies to be delivered naturally. However, the cesarean section has often saved the life of both mother and baby. As a result, it is a common practice in day-to-day hospital operations.
Cesarean section should be performed when there is a medical indication, either by the mother or the baby.
The reason for performing a cesarean section, urgently or not, is due to complications or illnesses of the mother who is going to give birth. The most common indications are as follows:
In this case, the decision is made to perform a cesarean section due to complications in the fetus that may endanger the life of the fetus or the mother. These are as follows:
Some of these indications are more controversial than others, as specialists consider that there is no benefit to performing a cesarean section instead of a vaginal delivery. For example, this would be the case of multiple pregnancies.
It should not be forgotten that, although the cesarean section is a relatively safe operation, it is still a major surgical procedure, with all the risks and complications that this entails.
Depending on the factor considered, it is possible to classify the types of cesarean section in different ways.
Normally, its classification is based on the shape of the abdominal incision made in the mother. On the other hand, it is also possible to differentiate the types of the cesarean section according to the time at which it is decided to do it or if the patient already had a previous cesarean section.
Currently, cesarean sections are segmental, which means that the cut is made in the lower segment of the uterus, where there is less damage and faster healing. We will now discuss the 3 types that exist:
On the other hand, there is another type of cesarean section that is no longer commonly practiced today: the corporal or classic cesarean section. The incision is made longitudinally and goes through the uterine musculature, which implies a larger hemorrhage and a more fragile scar.
A corporal cesarean section is only performed in cases of severe myomatosis, adhesions, programmed hysterectomy, carcinoma of the cervix, etc.
Most often, a woman does not know what her delivery is going to be like until that very moment, that is, whether it will be vaginal or cesarean. However, some situations do involve making a prior decision on whether or not to have a cesarean section.
In this section, we will distinguish the following types of cesarean section:
It should be noted that scheduled cesarean sections are currently discouraged except in very specific cases, as the risks are very high.
Occasionally, some doctors decide to perform a cesarean section when women have already had a previous delivery by this surgery. The reason for this is to try to prevent the previous wound from opening during labor contractions.
In this sense, we find the following classification of the cesarean section.
Despite all this, medical studies have shown that it is not entirely true that there is a risk of reopening of the scar and, therefore, a woman could give birth by natural childbirth without any problems after a cesarean section.
Cesarean section is a surgical technique that requires anesthesia to avoid pain and suffering for the mother during delivery. Currently, the type of anesthesia that offers the greatest advantage is the epidural, as it allows the mother to be conscious during the birth and avoids sedation of the baby.
In the following, we will discuss all the steps of cesarean section in general:
Nowadays, surgery has advanced a lot and the whole process can take about 15-20 minutes, including the removal of the placenta. To this time it is necessary to add about 30-40 minutes more to close the uterus and the abdomen.
The relative safety of this intervention has made us forget its risks. This has led to an increase in the percentage of births by cesarean section so that the average is above the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO).
Unlike natural childbirth, recovery from a cesarean section is more expensive and involves the mother and child spending a greater number of days in the hospital, usually about 4 days.
It is important to pay close attention to the medical recommendations to treat the cesarean wound so that complications do not arise.
Some of the most important care after this operation is discussed below:
There is a general tendency to perform more cesarean deliveries nowadays. However, in many cases, it is completely unnecessary. It should not be forgotten that cesarean section involves major abdominal surgery and therefore presents more risks compared to vaginal delivery.
Possible complications that may arise in the mother after cesarean section are as follows:
On the other hand, there are also some risks for the baby born by cesarean section:
In addition, the hospital stay and recovery from the cesarean section are longer and more complicated than those of vaginal delivery. Therefore, it is vitally important that physicians practice safe medicine and perform cesarean section only when vaginal delivery poses a real risk.
Childbirth is the most special and awaited moment for most pregnant women. Delivery can be done vaginally or by cesarean section.
The most physiological route is the vaginal route. However, there are circumstances in which delivery by cesarean section is indicated to safeguard the health of the mother and fetus.
There are 3 types of cesarean section:
Although it is true that many multiple births are by cesarean section, this does not have to be the case. As with single births, it will depend on the situation and medical recommendations.
The general course of action at the end of a pregnancy is natural childbirth and a cesarean section will only be performed in certain situations such as the following:
In general, any situation that endangers the life of the baby or the mother will be indicative of a cesarean section.
It is usual and recommended to perform the cesarean section under local anesthesia so that the mother can participate in the birth of her child and have direct contact with it from the very moment it begins its extrauterine life. However, there are risky cases in which the doctor may recommend the use of general anesthesia.
Yes, in fact, it is something that many women do. It is a way of taking advantage of the abdominal cut from the cesarean section to do the definitive sterilization. In addition, the recovery from the cesarean section is the same whether it is done with or without tubal ligation.
It is not common, as hemorrhoids appear as a consequence of the great efforts made by the mother in a natural childbirth. The force of pushing causes dilatation of the rectal veins which protrude through the anus in the form of hemorrhoids.
As a general rule, the woman will be able to start drinking liquids and eating light food about 6-8 hours after the procedure. We refer to bland foods such as vegetable puree or soup. Gradually, the physician will introduce more foods during the hospital stay.
Once at home, the woman should follow a soft and healthy diet, with plenty of fruits and vegetables to avoid constipation.
It is also very important to avoid foods that cause gas, such as legumes, dairy products, and some vegetables. Eating slowly and chewing well also helps to avoid the gas that tends to accumulate after abdominal surgery, which is very uncomfortable.
If you want to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of cesarean birth compared to vaginal birth, you can continue reading in the following post: Which is better: natural childbirth or cesarean?
Once you have given birth, the baby's breastfeeding period will begin. To get all the information you need on this subject, we recommend you to read the following article: Infant feeding.
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