Cryptorchidism is a male alternation characterized by the testicles not descending to their correct position. The testicles should be in the scrotal pouch since this is where they are at the ideal temperature to produce spermatozoa correctly.
Otherwise, if the testicles are in a different place, spermatogenesis may be altered and, therefore, the male may suffer alterations in his seminogram.
Read the full article on: Cryptorchidism: a testicular disorder causing infertility ( 62).
By Gustavo Daniel Carti M.D. (gynecologist), Marta Barranquero Gómez B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist), Paloma de la Fuente Vaquero M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc. (gynecologist), Rebeca Reus BSc, MSc (embryologist) and Cristina Algarra Goosman B.Sc., M.Sc. (psychologist).
Last Update: 02/28/2022