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Can high hCG levels mean Down syndrome?

By Andrea Rodrigo B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist).
Last Update: 10/20/2017

Yes, high hCG levels can be a concerning issue and translate into the presence of genetic alterations in the fetus, including Down’s syndrome, which can be evaluated along with other hormones with a triple marker screen test.

 Andrea Rodrigo
Andrea Rodrigo
B.Sc., M.Sc.
Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Master's Degree in Biotechnology of Human Assisted Reproduction from the University of Valencia along with the Valencian Infertility Institute (IVI). Postgraduate course in Medical Genetics.
Embryologist. Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Master's Degree in Biotechnology of Human Assisted Reproduction from the University of Valencia along with the Valencian Infertility Institute (IVI). Postgraduate course in Medical Genetics.