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Can IVF be successful in men with teratozoospermia?

By Daniel Sosa M.D., M.Sc. (gynecologist on Ovoclinic Marbella).
Last Update: 09/23/2019

At present, we consider that the quantity and mobility of spermatozoa are the fundamental parameters to be evaluated in a seminogram. Teratozoospermia refers to the alteration of the shape or morphology of the spermatozoa. The WHO considers it normal if the normal forms are at least 4% of the spermatozoa.

On many occasions, alterations in the seminogram are usually combined with alterations in the number, motility and morphology of the sperm.

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is successfully used for all types of spermatozoa alterations. In patients with teratozoospermia, sperm selection techniques such as the following can be used:

intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
ICSI physiological in which the mature spermatozoa are selected, discarding the immature ones.
Magnetic cell sorting, which allows to select healthy and optimal spermatozoa that did not initiate the process of apoptosis or programmed cell death.
Imagen: Different sperm selection techniques

The sperm that pass this strict selection process are those that have a greater capacity to fertilize the oocyte and generate an embryo of better quality, which can translate into a higher pregnancy rate. In other words, with sperm selection the in vitro fertilization procedure is optimized, not randomly allowing the selection of the spermatozoon.

 Daniel Sosa
Daniel Sosa
M.D., M.Sc.
Gynecologist on Ovoclinic Marbella
Degree in Medicine from the National University of Tucumán in Argentina. Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Master in Human Reproduction by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and the Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad (IVI). Current medical director of the clinic Ovoclinic.
Licence number: 290846745
Gynecologist. Degree in Medicine from the National University of Tucumán in Argentina. Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Master in Human Reproduction by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and the Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad (IVI). Current medical director of the clinic Ovoclinic. Licence number: 290846745.