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Can severe oligospermia stem from varicocele?

By Sergio Rogel Cayetano M.D. (gynecologist).
Last Update: 07/15/2020

Yes, it's possible. Varicocele is a varicose structure that increases the temperature of the testicle, often affecting the production of sperm. If the affectation is important, severe oligospermia may appear, which will be difficult to recover, even when the varicocele is surgically operated.

This is because if the germ line of the testicle (sperm producing cells) is damaged, this damage will be irreparable, which can occur in varicoceles over time.

Read the full article on: What Diseases Are Associated with Oligospermia? ( 69).
 Sergio Rogel Cayetano
Sergio Rogel Cayetano
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology via M. I. R. at Hospital General de Alicante. He become an expert in Reproductive Medicine by working at different clinics of Alicante and Murcia, in Spain, until he joined the medical team of IVF Spain back in 2011.
License: 03-0309100
Gynecologist. Bachelor's Degree in Medicine from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology via M. I. R. at Hospital General de Alicante. He become an expert in Reproductive Medicine by working at different clinics of Alicante and Murcia, in Spain, until he joined the medical team of IVF Spain back in 2011. License: 03-0309100.