It is often said that if the belly is round, it will be a girl and if it is rounder, it will be a boy, but this is just a myth. There is no relationship between the shape of the abdomen and the sex of the fetus.
The appearance will depend on whether the woman is primiparous or multiparous, the constitution of her body, the shape of her uterus and the size of the fetus.
Read the full article on: When and how can you know for sure if it will be a boy or a girl? ( 46).
Read the full article on: What are the main popular beliefs and myths about pregnancy? ( 41).

Sarai Arrones
BSc, MSc
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedicine and Biomedical Sciences from the University of Valencia (UV). Master's Degree in Biotechnology of Human Assisted Reproduction from the UV and the Valencian Infertility Institute (IVI). Specialist Training Course of gamete, embryo, and animal tissue cryopreservation. Embryologist specializing in the field of Assisted Procreation.