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Do uterine polyps affect fertility?

By Miguel Angel Checa Vizcaino M.D., Ph.D. (gynecologist).
Last Update: 05/18/2020

Uterine polyps are benign fibroglandular growths found inside the uterine cavity. Many times, uterine polyps are diagnosed by ultrasound during sterility study tests or during stimulation in ovarian stimulation treatments.

Polyps may act as a mechanism that makes it difficult for embryos to implant. Medical studies show that uterine polyps larger than 1 cm may interfere with the implantation process. Although the evidence does not show that they have a very deleterious impact on implantation rates, normally before IVF if we identify a polyp, even one smaller than 1 cm, we recommend removal of the polyp.

Polyps are removed by hysteroscopy, a technique that involves inserting a tube connected to a video camera through the cervix.

 Miguel Angel Checa Vizcaino
Miguel Angel Checa Vizcaino
M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Miguel Angel Checa has a degree in Medicine and Surgery and a doctorate in Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Preventive Medicine and Public Health from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Zulassungsnummer: 080830513
Gynecologist. Dr. Miguel Angel Checa has a degree in Medicine and Surgery and a doctorate in Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Preventive Medicine and Public Health from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Zulassungsnummer: 080830513.