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How long will I needle during the endometrial preparation?

By Marina González Tejedor M. D. (gynecologist).
Last Update: 03/08/2022

During endometrial preparation, it is not really necessary to administer any medication subcutaneously. We can carry out the preparation in different ways: in a natural cycle, modified natural cycle, or substituted cycle. In the modified natural cycle and the substituted cycle, which is the most common, in the first part of the treatment, we will use oral or transdermal medication or, in the case of the natural cycle, no type of medication.

In the natural cycle, ovulation discharge is made with Ovitrelle, which is a subcutaneous medication that is applied in a unique way, and from there we would start with the second part of the preparation in which progesterone is going to be administered.

Progesterone can be administered vaginally or subcutaneously, depending on the protocols of each center and the conditions of each woman. In the case of using the medication subcutaneously, it will be maintained for two weeks until the pregnancy test. In some cases, it is maintained until the confirmation ultrasound, although it varies in each case.

 Marina  González Tejedor
Marina González Tejedor
M. D.
Dr. Marina González studied Medicine and Surgery at the University of Valladolid, where she also completed her MIR. Currently, Dr. González is the head of the URA QuirónSalud Ginemed Bilbao.
Colleague number: 484810377
Gynecologist. Dr. Marina González studied Medicine and Surgery at the University of Valladolid, where she also completed her MIR. Currently, Dr. González is the head of the URA QuirónSalud Ginemed Bilbao. Colleague number: 484810377.