The number of embryos to transfer to a patient is not dependent on the technique performed for the genetic analysis of embryos, but on the stage, quality, and particularities of each patient. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis is usually performed in cases of advanced maternal age (aneuploidy screening) or when there exist severe genetic pathologies (in many cases, present in the woman). In both situations, a multiple pregnancy would be contraindicated.
So, given all these circumstances, doctors usually recommend Single Embryo Transfers (SETs).
Read the full article on: What is preimplantation genetic diagnosis or PGD? ( 90).

Susana Cortés Gallego
B.Sc., Ph.D.
Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, and PhD in Comparative Animal Physiology from the Faculty of Biological Sciences. Extensive experience in the scientific field, and currently working as the coordinator of the laboratories of Clínica Tambre in Madrid, Spain.
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