The recommended number of attempts will depend on how many blasts are obtained in the first cycle. Depending on this, the situation will be studied together with the patient and, taking into account the results and her family planning, the most appropriate decisions will be made for each case. Normally up to 3 ovarian stimulations can be performed.
The percentage of aneuploidies increases exponentially with age. Aneuploidies are alterations that occur in sperm, eggs or embryos during their early development and can result in embryos with an incorrect number of chromosomes. Chromosomal abnormalities can cause miscarriages and are also associated with genetic diseases.
For this reason, having a good ovarian reserve at an advanced reproductive age is not synonymous with having a good oocyte quality and this may be the reason why pregnancy is not achieved to term.
Due to the above, the most advisable thing for a 39-year-old woman with reproductive problems would be to perform a PGT-A test, which is the genetic study of aneuploidy of embryos cultured up to day 5 (blastocyst stage). This test makes it possible to detect and discard for transfer those embryos with numerical anomalies.