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How much does a vasectomy cost?

By Michelle Lorraine Embleton B.Sc. Ph.D. (biochemist).
Last Update: 08/09/2022

In the United States this procedure can cost anywhere between $300 to $3,000, depending on who and where you chose. Some health insurance plans do cover part of all of the costs so be sure to check this first.

In most parts of the UK you can have a vasectomy free of charge on the NHS, but waiting lists can be long. If you choose to go private then expect to pay between £500 and £2000 depending on your choice of clinic.

In Spain, a vasectomy costs between €500 and €1000, and the price will vary from clinic to clinic so it is worth doing some investigation first. It is also offered under the social security system for public health.

 Michelle Lorraine Embleton
Michelle Lorraine Embleton
B.Sc. Ph.D.
PhD in Biochemistry, University of Bristol, UK, specialising in DNA : protein intereactions. BSc honours degree in Molecular Biology, Univerisity of Bristol. Translation and editing of scientific and medical literature.
Biochemist. PhD in Biochemistry, University of Bristol, UK, specialising in DNA : protein intereactions. BSc honours degree in Molecular Biology, Univerisity of Bristol. Translation and editing of scientific and medical literature.