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To what extent is the application of PGD important in women who decide to become mothers at an advanced age?

By Julio Martín (expert in clinical diagnostics).
Last Update: 12/13/2021

From a reproductive point of view, if we take as advanced maternal age women seeking pregnancy from 40-41 years of age, the clinical data are clear and reveal that the eggs of these women present an increased risk of chromosomal alterations, especially trisomies such as chromosome 21 or Down's Syndrome.

Clinical data from the main medical groups that apply PGD show that its use for this group of women favors the gestation rate and decreases the miscarriage rate.

Read the full article on: What is preimplantation genetic diagnosis or PGD? ( 90).
 Julio  Martín
Julio Martín
Expert in clinical diagnostics
Expert in clinical and laboratory generic development. Development of new tests and analysis of single gene genetic disorders. Laboratory manager at IVIOMICS and currently working in the IGENOMIX laboratory.
Expert in clinical diagnostics. Expert in clinical and laboratory generic development. Development of new tests and analysis of single gene genetic disorders. Laboratory manager at IVIOMICS and currently working in the IGENOMIX laboratory.