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What are normal estrogen and progesterone levels before transfer?

By Héctor Iván Izquierdo Urdinola M.D. (gynecologist).
Last Update: 03/08/2022

Dr. Héctor Izquierdo, gynecologist at IVF-Spain tells us in this video the adequate levels of estrogen and progesterone to carry out an embryo transfer. As the doctor tells us:

We don't have the case for an adequate level of estrogen to carry out the transfer or there are no studies described that tell us that a level must be reached. The important thing is that the endometrial line, the part of the uterus where the embryo is going to be implanted, is adequate, greater than 8 mm. In the case of progesterone, there is clinical data that shows us that a progesterone greater than 10 ng/dL helps the pregnancy to be effective.

 Héctor Iván Izquierdo Urdinola
Héctor Iván Izquierdo Urdinola
Dr. Izquierdo has a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad del Valle. In addition, he has a course in basic psychosomatic care by the Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis of the University of Würzburg, a Master in Assisted Human Reproduction by the University of Salamanca and the title of Gynecologist and Obstetrician by the Government of Upper Bavaria, Germany.
Member number: 03-0312760
Gynecologist. Dr. Izquierdo has a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad del Valle. In addition, he has a course in basic psychosomatic care by the Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis of the University of Würzburg, a Master in Assisted Human Reproduction by the University of Salamanca and the title of Gynecologist and Obstetrician by the Government of Upper Bavaria, Germany. Member number: 03-0312760.