As for the normal values of a spermiogram or also called seminogram, the most important ones are:
- Sample volume ≥ of 1.5 ml
- pH between 7.2 and 8.0
- Sperm concentration ≥ of 15 million/ml
- Total sperm count > 40 million
- Progressive motility (A+B) ≥ of 32%
- Living spermatozoa > of 58%
- Normal spermatozoa ≥ of 4%
- REM (sperm capacitation) > 5 million, being this the most determining parameter of the seminogram

Read the full article on: What is a basic semen analysis and how is it done step by step? ( 34).

Luis Rodríguez Tabernero
M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Salamanca and Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology via MIR. Dr. Rodríguez Tabernero is responsible for the Human Assisted Reproduction Unit of the Gyaecology and Obstetrics Department of the Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid since 2013 and has also been working in the field of reproductive medicine since 2000.
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