Conjugal insemination (CAI) is indicated when there is a mild fertility problem, either due to an ovulatory factor, mild endometriosis, mild male factor or idiopathic cause. Within the mild male causes, there may be a mild decrease in sperm concentration or motility, but most of the time there is already a cause of infertility.
In the case of inseminations with donor sperm, we use a totally normal sperm (donor) and with a good fertilizing capacity and, generally, there are no fertility problems in the woman. There may be cases of single women, couples of women or severe male factors such as secretory azoospermia that require a male gamete change. This means that the reproductive prognosis or the possibilities of success are slightly higher with donor sperm.
On the other hand, the use of donor sperm allows us to have a little more security due to the numerous medical, analytical and genetic tests that are performed on donors in order to avoid the birth of a sick child or the transmission of any genetic or infectious disease.