The concept of advanced semen analysis with motile sperm count (MSC) tells us the number of spermatozoa with good motility in each ml of ejaculate after sperm preparation in the laboratory. This count allows us to choose the most appropriate assisted reproduction technique.
It is considered that in order to perform an artificial insemination (IUI), the MSC must be above 3 million spermatozoa. Although this is the cut-off point most accepted by scientific societies, the lack of solid studies in this regard means that some clinics prefer to apply stricter criteria by setting the MSC limit for performing an IUI at 5 million. Even so, being more or less rigid when evaluating the MSC to indicate IUI or IVF will also depend on factors that contribute to the sterility of the couple in question (age of the woman, underlying condition, etc.).
Beyond the MSC, we must take into account that in cases of highly altered sperm morphology (% of normal forms less than 1%), we will speak of severe teratozoospermia and an IUI will not be indicated either. The MSC test does not take into account sperm morphology.