The Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) was founded in 1953. It was originally called Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Esterilidad (Spanish Society for the Study of Sterility). According to the statutes of the SEF its main purposes are:
- To promote reproductive health.
- To collaborate with the different administrations in all aspects related to human fertility.
- To promote teaching, continuing education and clinical research on human reproductive dysfunction. The SEF annually awards different scholarships to study the Master in Psychology of Human Reproduction taught by the University of Barcelona in collaboration with the SEF, to study the Master in Human Reproduction taught by the Complutense University of Madrid in collaboration with the SEF and to study the own title University Expert in Nursing of Human Reproduction taught by the University Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid.
- To organize courses and periodic meetings.
In addition, the SEF collaborates closely with the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare in the elaboration of the National Register of Activity in Assisted Reproduction.
The SEF has been the leading scientific society in the field of assisted reproduction in Spain for more than 60 years. It has been and continues to be one of the factors which have made human reproductive medicine in Spain one of the most advanced in the world.