If the couple, after the diagnosis of fertility problems, decides to undergo assisted reproduction treatment, they should bear in mind that it is a process that, on occasions, can be long. This can involve wear and tear on many levels: emotional, physical, economic... but it can also affect the couple's relationship if the situation is not managed properly. Among the aspects that are most commonly affected in couples undergoing fertility treatments are communication, sexual desire and social life.
As far as communication is concerned, it is essential for a couple to have good communication in any situation, but also, of course, in the case of assisted reproduction treatment. They should talk together about the treatment, about how many times they are going to try? These aspects may vary, but it is important to always discuss them together in order to feel that it is a common project. In addition, communication is key for each of the members to express how they feel, but also to understand how the other member feels. This point is especially important, as everyone may experience it differently. Therefore, if there is no good communication, reproaches may arise because one of the partners does not feel understood and supported by his or her partner.
However, there are often communication problems, for example, if you prefer not to talk about it to avoid saying something that might make the other person feel bad. This lack of communication creates doubt and can lead to misunderstandings due to misinterpretations. Therefore, it is important for the couple to talk about the fertility treatment and express the feelings it is generating.
On the other hand, with fertility problems, sexual relations can also be affected and lose spontaneity. It is possible that, after months of trying to get pregnant naturally, sexual relations are seen only as a means to achieve the goal of having a child. Thus, sex loses that part of establishing an intimate moment with a partner.
The pressure can make sex less pleasurable and also cause certain sexual dysfunctions such as erection problems.
Finally, assisted reproduction treatments require some scheduling, which also contributes to the loss of spontaneity in sexual relations. Nevertheless, the couple should try to continue to maintain moments of intimacy that strengthen their bond. To do so, they should avoid seeing sex solely as a reproductive means.
Finally, when there are fertility problems, the couple may try to avoid meetings with family and friends who are expecting a baby or who have children because they are not comfortable. Similarly, in the course of fertility treatment, the couple may isolate themselves in order to avoid questions and explanations. On the other hand, it is also possible that certain hobbies may be abandoned, for example for financial reasons, in order to meet the costs of the treatment. It is also common for the couple to take advantage of vacation periods to attend consultations and begin treatment. If to all this is added to the low spirits and listlessness, it will result in the couple leaving aside social gatherings, but also the enjoyable activities that they used to do together. These moments are important for a couple, as they are a positive reinforcement in the relationship and increase complicity. Therefore, it is interesting to find a way to continue doing these activities and continue spending these moments together, even if it is not the most desirable due to the lack of mood.