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What are the options for a man with hepatitis B to become a father?

By Isabel Herrera Meriño M.D. (fertility specialist).
Last Update: 01/18/2022

Hepatitis B is a viral infection that primarily affects the liver. This virus is transmitted through contact with blood or other body fluids; therefore, there is a high risk of contracting the virus in babies born to mothers with hepatitis B.

A man with hepatitis B does not have problems conceiving naturally because he has this infection, i.e. infertility is not a symptom of any type of hepatitis. However, there are some risks to consider when conceiving a baby, either naturally or through fertility treatment. First of all, there is the risk of infecting a partner through unprotected sex and thus infecting the fetus.

To prevent the couple from becoming infected and, therefore, to ensure that they can have a healthy baby, the best thing to do is to vaccinate them. It is also advisable to resort to an assisted reproduction treatment in which a seminal lavage is performed, the objective of which is to eliminate the virus from the sample previously taken. Normally, several seminal lavages are performed on the same sample and this washed semen is frozen for later use in fertilization.

There is no specific treatment recommended for these couples; the ideal would be to perform a study to assess the fertility of both members and to determine the most appropriate treatment.

 Isabel  Herrera Meriño
Isabel Herrera Meriño
Fertility specialist
Dr. Isabel Herrera has a degree in Medicine from the National Autonomous University of Honduras. She has worked in different countries such as Honduras, Cameroon, Germany, Dominican Republic, India and Senegal. She then moved to Spain, where she specialized in the field of Assisted Reproduction to help other women fulfill their dream of becoming mothers.
Member number: 030310741
Fertility specialist. Dr. Isabel Herrera has a degree in Medicine from the National Autonomous University of Honduras. She has worked in different countries such as Honduras, Cameroon, Germany, Dominican Republic, India and Senegal. She then moved to Spain, where she specialized in the field of Assisted Reproduction to help other women fulfill their dream of becoming mothers. Member number: 030310741.