In order to be able to fertilize more than one egg cell in the same IVF cycle, women's ovaries are stimulated using fertility drugs. The number of eggs required depend on the technique used. For IVF, it is enough with 1 or 2; whilst for IVF/ICSI, we should have around 10 eggs ideally. Oftentimes, due to a varied set of causes, the ovarian response of some patients is inadequate and the number of eggs collected is too low (below 5). In such cases, we can turn to the following strategies:
- To cancel the cycle before egg retrieval and start a new stimulation cycle with a different stimulation protocol.
- To freeze using egg vitrification technique the eggs to collect a higher number of eggs in subsequent cycles.
- To freeze using embryo vitrification technique the resulting embryos in order to transfer 2 in the subsequent cycle.
In short, it depends on the history of each couple.
Read the full article on: The low response to ovarian stimulation: causes and treatments. ( 81).

Manuel Aparicio Caballero
M.D., M.Sc.
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine from the University of Murcia. Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Master's Degree in Human Reproduction from the King Juan Carlos University and the IVI.
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