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What measures are taken in the Ginemed Centers to ensure the safety of patients and the professional team itself?

By Pascual Sánchez Martín M.D., M.Sc. (gynecologist).
Last Update: 03/17/2020

Obviously, like all health centers, like all establishments where there is a public, measures have been taken to avoid any kind of contagion. All those things that we can solve by phone or video conference we are doing.

We have implemented a lot of those visits by video conference for those patients who want to ask things, have doubts, want to tell us their case or that we have already assessed them, they have sent us the treatments and we will contact them for the results.

We are trying to make sure that only those patients who need to be here because they need to have a test done on them come to the clinic. We are also trying to reduce the number of consultations per hour so that patients do not have to wait. We tell patients to arrive on time so that they can go directly to the consultations.

In the consultations we have always kept the security measures with the treatment of people, because not to greet each other with physical contact with people, to keep the distance of 1 meter in the conversations, in the waiting rooms we have eliminated the magazines and any other object that we can pass from one to another. We have aerosols available everywhere in case the patient touches anything and feels more comfortable disinfecting his hands. In short, all those things that are protective and that are common sense and that we are applying in all the places where there is an audience.

 Pascual Sánchez Martín
Pascual Sánchez Martín
M.D., M.Sc.
Dr. Pascual Sánchez Martín has a degree in Medicine from the University of Salamanca and specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital.
Licence number: 414110807
Gynecologist. Dr. Pascual Sánchez Martín has a degree in Medicine from the University of Salamanca and specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital. Licence number: 414110807.