The basic study consists of the following tests:
- Basal hormone profile
- FSH, LH, Estradiol and Prolactin. All of these provide information about the woman's ovarian function.
- Edometrial receptivity test
- to assess the precise moment when the endometrium is receptive and can accept embryos for implantation.
- Laparoscopy
- direct visualization of the abdominal cavity, uterus and ovaries. If any abnormalities are noted they can be corrected on the spot.
- Hysteroscopy
- Direct visualization of the uterine cavity. Abnormalities can be corrected on the spot.
- Hydrosonography
- special ultrasonography for study of the uterine cavity using fluid as contrast, which increases the ultrasonographer's ability to detect pathologies.
- Immunological study
- in case of repeated miscarriages or alterations of the immune system.
- Thrombophilia study
- process in which a greater than usual ability to clot blood is observed, which is associated with repeated miscarriages and implantation failures.
- Thyroid study
- alterations at this level have been associated with implantation problems and miscarriages.
- Seminogram progressing
- parameters such as apoptosis and double- or single-chain fragmentation studies can be important in the assessment of semen, where semen that at first appeared normal may be the cause of infertility or infertility in the couple.

These are some of the many tests that exist to assess a couple's fertility and determine the best treatment for each situation.
Read the full article on: Fertility treatments for couples: how to achieve pregnancy? ( 51).

Sergio Rogel Cayetano
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology via M. I. R. at Hospital General de Alicante. He become an expert in Reproductive Medicine by working at different clinics of Alicante and Murcia, in Spain, until he joined the medical team of IVF Spain back in 2011.
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