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What to do in case of a menstrual delay?

By Silvia Azaña Gutiérrez B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist).
Last Update: 04/19/2022

When a woman has a menstrual delay, she should know that there are several possible causes, so it does not necessarily mean that she is pregnant. In the same way, it is also important to know that there may be some punctual menstrual imbalance, without there being any problem.

If the woman is of childbearing age and has had sexual intercourse, she should take a pregnancy test to confirm or rule out pregnancy as the cause of the menstrual delay.

In the event that the reason for the menstrual delay is not pregnancy, it is advisable to wait about 10 days after the delay to see if menstruation drops. If this is not the case, a specialist should be consulted. In this way, the gynecologist will be able to investigate the possible causes, to indicate the most appropriate treatment if necessary.

Read the full article on: What may be the reason for a menstrual delay? ( 61).
 Silvia Azaña Gutiérrez
Silvia Azaña Gutiérrez
B.Sc., M.Sc.
Graduate in Health Biology from the University of Alcalá and specialized in Clinical Genetics from the same university. Master in Assisted Reproduction by the University of Valencia in collaboration with IVI clinics.
License: 3435-CV
Embryologist. Graduate in Health Biology from the University of Alcalá and specialized in Clinical Genetics from the same university. Master in Assisted Reproduction by the University of Valencia in collaboration with IVI clinics. License: 3435-CV.