Antonio Forgiarini, gynaecologist at Next Fertility Valencia, tells us in this video why sterility occur without apparent cause:
Well, we don't know really the cause of the unexplained infertility, because if not, it wasn't an unexplained infertility. So, in these cases I think it's a very good option to do a fertility treatment so we can run more test and, especially, we can see in the laboratory what should happen in the body. So, we can control it and we can give a name to this sterility, a reason for the sterility.
Read the full article on: What Is Unexplained Infertility? – Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment ( 47).

Antonio Forgiarini
M.D., M.Sc.
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine from the Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, with specialty in Obstetrics and Gynecology at University Clinical Hospital of Valencia, Spain. Master's Degree in Human Reproduction, and currently works as an OB/GYN specialized in Assisted Procreation at fertility clinics Millet and IMER Valencia.
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