Recommendations for a first-time mother in pregnancy and postpartum

By (embryologist).
Last Update: 07/08/2024

Being a mother is one of the most incredible experiences a woman can have in her lifetime, especially if it is for the first time. However, from the moment a woman discovers she is pregnant, until the delivery and once she has the newborn at home, many doubts arise and it is easy to not know how to act.

Among the most important things for a new mother is that she must not lose her cool. No one is born knowing and new parents learn day by day, as they get to know the baby, as well as the baby gets to know them.

The different sections of this article have been assembled into the following table of contents.

Pregnancy tips

Pregnancy is undoubtedly a very special time in a woman's life. However, knowing that your baby is developing in your womb is a great responsibility for the pregnant woman. This gives rise to certain doubts and insecurities, since she wants to do the best she can for herself and the baby.

Therefore, some of the top tips for a new mother during pregnancy would be:

Finally, one of the most frequent concerns in a new mother's pregnancy is about nutrition. Therefore, you can read more information about the most recommended foods during pregnancy in the following article: Which foods are the most recommended during pregnancy?

Recommendations for childbirth

The moment of delivery is one of the great fears of the pregnant woman, especially if she is a first-time mother. Apart from the nerves of knowing how the baby is doing and finally seeing the baby's face, there is also the fear of how the delivery will go and the pain of labor.

Childbirth preparation classes are the best way to reduce this fear. New parents will be able to get information and clarify their doubts with the professionals and, in addition, they will learn breathing exercises for childbirth. They are also beneficial because exercises will be performed to strengthen the back and pelvic floor in preparation for childbirth.

Another tip is to draw up a birth plan and discuss all the options and possibilities with the specialist. Although labor may not always happen as planned, it will help the woman to have a sense of control and to be informed of what can happen if something does not go as expected.

On the other hand, it should be kept in mind that the probable date of delivery(EDD) is an estimate and the exact time at which labor will start is not known. Therefore, as the baby's arrival may be anticipated, it is a good idea to prepare the hospital bag around 32-34 weeks gestation.

Basic newborn care

While new parents are with their baby in the hospital, they feel safe because they are surrounded by professionals who can answer their questions and help them with their baby's care. However, once they leave the hospital, a thousand doubts may arise and they may not know how to act at certain times.

New mothers try to seek help from their own mothers and from friends who have recently become mothers for a source of reference, but often contradictory information comes in. Therefore, the main thing is to always follow the pediatrician's guidelines, as he/she is the expert.

However, there are certain recommendations regarding basic baby care that may be useful, as long as the pediatrician has not indicated otherwise:

However, one of the main pieces of advice is to go to all the stipulated check-ups with the pediatrician and follow his indications and advice.

How to take care of yourself postpartum?

Postpartum is a complicated and demanding stage, since the mother must recover from childbirth, but also needs to meet the needs and care of the newborn. In this regard, some recommendations would be:

Postpartum is a hard stage of many changes and adaptation to this new life as new parents. It is, therefore, a learning stage that will come with practice, one's own experience and maternal instinct, which will make one more and more confident and enjoyable as the days go by. .

FAQs from users

Are there any special recommendations if I am a first-time mother through assisted reproduction?

By Elena Santiago Romero M.D. (gynecologist).

Being a new mother after fertility treatment is a unique journey that requires specialized care and emotional support. With proper guidance and open communication with your medical team, you can fully enjoy the parenting experience and provide the best care for your newborn. The key is to empower yourself with information and surround yourself with a strong support system.
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When does a new mother first feel the baby?

By Silvia Azaña Gutiérrez B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist).

Generally speaking, a new mother will begin to feel her baby's movements inside her womb around the 20th week of pregnancy.

On the other hand, if it is not the first pregnancy, a woman may notice the baby's movements even a month earlier, around week 16.

Is it possible to be a new mother at 50?

By Zaira Salvador B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist).

Yes, in recent years there have been some shocking news of celebrities who have become mothers for the first time at the age of 50. A few years ago it was the actress Laura Linney who gave this surprise and, recently, it has been the singer Janet Jackson who has given birth to her firstborn. Although they have not confirmed it, it is possible that these births have had the help of assisted reproduction.

Suggested for you

If you are a new mother, you may want to learn more about medical management in pregnancy. You can read about it in this article: Prenatal pregnancy control: tests, analyses and ultrasounds.

On the other hand, you may want to learn more about childbirth. Therefore, we recommend you to access the following link: Childbirth: preparation, types and possible complications.

We make a great effort to provide you with the highest quality information.

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