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Negative HPT 11 days after embryo transfer

Negative HPT 11 days after embryo transfer

  1. tulipan16


    I need help. I have a 2-embryo blastocyst transfer done 11 days ago. I did a urine test this morning and is was negative. But I have all kind of symptoms: nausea, pain in my leg, lower back pain, my boobs are sore, headache, bloating, and everyday I feel a lot of cramps like my period cramps.

    I wonder whether this is normal or if I could be pregnant… My blood test is due on Oct, 14.

    Thanks for your help.

    10/13/2015 at 2:16 am
  2. DOMITILA RODRIGUEZ’S QUERY ON TOPIC Embryo transfer: symptoms before positive outcome:


    I really need help… please… I have a 2-embryo blast. transfer done 11 days ago. I did an urine test this morning and is negative. But I have all kind of symptoms. Nauseas, pain in my leg, lower back pain, my boobs are sore… I have laso headache, bloating, and everyday feel a lot of cramps like my period cramps.

    I’m wondering if it’s normal or if I could be pregnant. My blood test is on Oct. 14th.

    Thanks for your help.


    Dear Domitila,

    The symptoms you are experiencing are due to the stimulation of ovarian function medications prescribed for the treatment. Even the anxiety you’re developing because of the 2WW may lead to those symptoms. Performing a pregnancy test on day 11 post embryo transfer may show rather accurate results; nevertheless, in some cases it may still be too early for the hCG hormone levels to be detectable. If your period is still missing, my recommendation is that you repeat the test after a few days to confirm whether you are indeed pregnant or not. Do not cancel the hormone medications you are taking unless otherwise indicated by your doctor.


    Please, go to this topic to find more information and post a new reply there: Negative HPT 11 days after embryo transfer.

    10/16/2015 at 8:43 am

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