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2nd IVF successful after changing to the long protocol

2nd IVF successful after changing to the long protocol

  1. johigarcia

    Morning everyone,
    I wanted to add our story, especially for those with low Amh, and also because even though I didnt always post a lot, this forum kept me going in the early days of our treatment and coming to terms with the diagnosis.
    My amh is 6 and my husband had issues with protein attached to his sperm. Initially, we thought we were going into the clinic just to get a tweak of a hormone here and there. but came out with very little hope and being told that ICSI would be the only option and even then would be difficult.
    Our cycle was cancelled three times due to cysts and being on the wrong protocol (short). Once we changed to the long protocol and got going. we were blessed and lucky to produce 4 embryos, two of which fertilized. We had a day 3 transfer of a grade 8 embryo.
    Our daughter is now lying beside me as I type this. She’s healthy and we can’t sleep for looking at her little face. I am so aware of how lucky I am to have experienced a pregnancy, the joy of giving birth and becoming a mother. We are really happy now. Only those who have been childless for years would understand our happiness.
    It has not been as long a journey for us as it is for many who post here on this board, and we know we are blessed for that and for our success. my thoughts remain with all the mothers and fathers in waiting on this board, that your dreams will come through and your journeys end successfully. Never lose hope.

    08/01/2017 at 11:41 am
  2. First of all let me congratulate you. From you story I can tell you had been coming from a long way and I must say your daughter is a just rewards for never giving up even through what I imagine were quite hard times. I must say is stories like yours which makes me keep going and never giving up. I am also in a 3 year journey to also be able to conceive and give my husband a child.

    I wish you happiness and hope soon enough I too will be able to hug my own child and feel that same happiness and blessing you have right now.

    08/04/2017 at 6:22 am
  3. You’re story is awesome. A warm hello to you my friend. My name is Angela. As someone who deals with infertility I can only imagine how you feel. I am glad for you. You deserved every little tiny bit of this success. I am pretty sure you fought pretty hard for too long. I am willing to do the same. Maybe one day I can post something similar. Maybe… Let’s hope that, that day comes for me too. Until then, the road is long though. Anyway wish you all the best. From a new user. One that has no idea what to do around here. However she likes the support that is shared here… Okay, Ill end this now. Much love xx

    08/09/2017 at 5:53 pm