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3rd Ivf+icsi bleeding just before pregnancy test

3rd Ivf+icsi bleeding just before pregnancy test

  1. Thinkingsoul

    This is my 3rd ivf+icsi. Embryos were good on day3 but on day5 didn’t reach blastocyst stage but went with the transfer. As per the clinic I had to do pregnancy test on 10th of march but I am started bleeding since yesterday not exactly like periods. I am scared to test tomorrow. I know its going to be negative but still do I have any hope of getting positive?

    03/09/2022 at 6:31 pm
  2. Hello Thinkingsoul,

    Slight bleeding may indicate implantation bleeding or the start of your period. You can see some differences, implantation bleeding is more of a pinkish brownish-red color, it usually lasts hours or a couple of days and it may be accompanied by other pregnancy symptoms like fatigue, breast tenderness, or frequent urination.

    You can obtain a false negative if the hCG hormone is too low, I recommend you keep testing until you have to go back to your doctor or until you get your period.

    This is an article about what to expect after embryo transfer: What are the symptoms after transfer?

    Good luck!

    03/11/2022 at 12:13 pm