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4th IVF cycle failure… What are our options now?

4th IVF cycle failure… What are our options now?

  1. jessie

    After a year of trying for a baby, we went for tests and were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. We asked for and received a 21-day blood test (for progesterone, which shows whether ovulation has occurred) and NHS-funded Clomid treatment for six months, but this was unsuccessful. Although we were on the waiting list for further funded treatment, we decided to have the private clinic. I had to do one injection every second day (about four or five injections in total) and there were several trips to the hospital for scans. The injections were really easy to get used to and with the auto-injector, it doesn’t really look like you’re injecting yourself. Even my husband, who hates needles, admitted that it didn’t look too scary. The clinic resulted in a short-lived (six-week) non-viable pregnancy. We then underwent a further three unsuccessful cycles. After that, we went on the waiting list for one funded cycle of IVF and were lucky enough to start almost immediately. However, this too was unsuccessful. We were reviewing our options when I discovered I’d become pregnant naturally. We were over the moon but at six weeks, I again miscarried. So after four treatments, one IVF cycle and two miscarriages we’re now wondering where we go from here. It all seems incredibly unfair and life is very cruel. We have now decided to have a break for six months. We were going to go straight into paying for another go at IVF, but we need a break from it all and there may be a chance that I can fall pregnant naturally again.

    01/16/2018 at 4:58 am
  2. Dear jessie,

    First of all, it’s important for you to know that you’re not alone. Many women face the same problem and are able to become mothers in the end by other means. Pregnancy can occur at any moment, so my advice is that you don’t throw in the towel. But I’m afraid that achieving a natural pregnancy, keeping in mind that IVF hasn’t been successful after 4 attempts, is highly unlikely in your case.

    Using donor eggs would be an option if the reason why IVF fails for you is associated with low egg quality. Have you already talked with your doctor about this possibility? In the meantime, have a look at the following post to learn more: What’s Being an Egg Donor Recipient Like?

    I hope I have been able to help,


    01/17/2018 at 9:16 am
  3. Hi, dear Jessie. 2 years ago I encountered the same problem. I have been trying to get pregnant 5 years unsuccessfully. Then my husband and I decided to ask for help from a surrogate mother. We did not have a lot of money, so we decided to look for clinics that are cheaper. And at us it has turned out at once in 11 months after we have addressed in clinic at us the remarkable, healthy son has been born. He is now 1.9 months old, he is a healthy and beautiful child, now we want another daughter, we will soon go back to the clinic where we were last time. I’m sure that luck will give you a smile and you will succeed, if you need some help then turn to me!
    I will be happy to help you.

    01/18/2018 at 3:29 pm
  4. Seems I’ve already posted this somewhere on the threads. Firstly, I’m sorry you’re facing this. We’ve already been through 2 failed OE IVF cycles and 1 successful DE IVF. After doing some research here are the things to share.
    There are 3 basic reasons why IVF fails.The first is that embryo transferred to the uterus was incompetent. In most cases, this is due to an irregular number of chromosomes in the embryo.
    The second reason is an underlying implantation dysfunction that prevents the embryo from properly attaching to the uterine lining. The commonest causes for this include: A thin endometrium (measuring less than 9 mm) at the peak of estradiol stimulation. Scarring, polyps and uterine fibroids that create a local adverse environment that prevents implantation. Immunologic dysfunction that results in implantation failure.
    The third reason relates to technical difficulty in the performance of embryo transfer, which is a rate limiting factor. It is an undeniable fact that not all RE’s are equally skilled at the performance of this important step of the IVF process unfortunately.
    From what you’ve shared I’d advise you looking onto donor eggs as the high quality ones. Also try to investigate the MCs reasons. Have a nice consultation with your dr, this must help. Wishing you all the best. Stay strong!

    06/24/2018 at 2:20 pm
  5. I guess it’s worth trying ivf unless your body is healthy enough to go through injectibles and other meds. And unless you feel financially stable to proceed. ‘Cause it’s a huge money matter for the majority though. I’m sorry your 4 attempts failed. For such cases I always recommend looking for guaranteed packages. My clinic for example has some, all inclusive with unlimited number of shots. They guarantee a life birth or money refund in case of 5 failures in a row within some of programs. I believe this is always a nice back plan to have. It absolutely covers you from money loss so that you can proceed with other options.

    07/24/2018 at 1:18 pm