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6+ years of TTC, over 10 IVFs and 6 IUIs

6+ years of TTC, over 10 IVFs and 6 IUIs

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">BHKA</span>

    Hello Doctor, I’m from NYC and currently so devastated because as you can read in the title my hubby and I have been TTC for over 6 years, with more than 10 failed IVFs and 6 IUIs, all of them unsuccessful… We don’t know what to do as I’m tired of trying with no results. What is your advice on this?

    Thank you very much,


    04/07/2016 at 6:04 pm
  2. Dear BHKA,

    I’m so sorry… But the good news is that you’ve got more options. My advice in your case is that you ask your doctor for further tests to check for the cause behind this. What about your partner’s semen sample, if any?

    Ask your GYN/OB about it, but probably you should consider moving to surrogacy or at least egg donation, since after that many IVF and IUI cycles your body has been through too much stimulation.

    Nevertheless, ask your doctor for detailed information, as he/she is the one who best knows what your case is.

    Best of luck!

    04/08/2016 at 9:20 am
  3. Hello! I am really sorry that you have been ttc for six years but still failed. I know the feeling because I am also the one facing the same problem and couldn’t find the solution. I hope one day we both will have baby and will be wonderful mother. Just be positive and don’t lose hope.

    10/02/2017 at 9:12 am
  4. dear BHk, there is nothing as heart-wrenching as this news that all your tries and tensions are being unsuccessful and you might not be able to father or mother a child anytime soon.Life gives you hard time but we must get up with full strength and never look back just look at the front for the options of getting a baby.I am myself of the same lot.I have gotten done many IVF before but no result, due to that i took a lot of tensions and couldn’t bear the thought of not getting pregnant again and again…..You should have stopped at the very start having 10 tries of IVF is more than enough and after those unsuccessful trials, your doctor must have advised you to look for more options or gave you some new options himself.Well, worry not I am here to help one of my friends tried surrogacy and look how happy she is. Don’t worry dear, look into this option a little. Dig a little deeper.

    02/08/2018 at 4:35 pm
  5. OMG, that’s long honey. God love you poor thing you had to go through all this. This might sound tough but multiple ivf failures can make you the candidate for donor egg ivf or surrogacy. Depending on the reasons all your tries fail..I’m sorry. I was in donor eggs need myself. And it took time to get there. But this was the best desicion made ever for us. I’m heavily prego now, luckily after the 1st shot. I’m wishing this path takes its right direction for you. Stay strong!

    08/15/2018 at 3:01 pm
  6. I believe there’s no need to wait longer. I mean rushing into another IVF cycle or sth. Have you considered surrogacy?
    We’d made a huge research on this option in Ukrainian clinics. Here’re the requirements you’ll have to meet in order to apply for the surrogacy in this very country.
    All parents must provide a doctor’s statement that surrogacy is a necessary option for one of the following medical reasons:
    1. Absence of uterus.
    2. Deformation of cavity of uterus or cervix of the uterus (either congenital or due to surgical interference or non-malignant neoplasm that makes pregnancy impossible).
    3. Structural-morphological or anatomical changes of endometrium that causes loss of receptivity, synechia of cavity of uterus that are not treatable/correctable.
    4. Grave somatic diseases that do not have influence on health of a future child but make pregnancy jeopardize health or life of a patient.
    5. At least 4 or more failed IVF attempts that involved good quality embryos that have been conceived as result of multiple IVF attempts.
    In addition to these medical requirements, IPs must be legally married and have a notarized copies of their passports and a marriage certificate with an apostille stamp.

    So you definitely meet one of the criteria for surrogacy in Ukraine. I’d advise you to have a closer look onto it in case it turns out to be the further option for you. All the best of luck and support!!

    11/28/2018 at 10:23 am
  7. OMG, I’m so sorry for this!! It sounds it’s really high time to turn to egg donation or surrogacy in case you aren’t there. God love you poos thing you’ve gone through so many failures!! It must be hard and frustrating not being able to turn your thoughts off. I was in this exact spot not too long ago. Unfortunately I was 34 when our 3rd IUI failed. My husband and I agreed that we would move on after that. However, since insurance didn’t cover any part of IVF and money doesn’t grow on trees, to say we were beyond stressed and didn’t know how to take on IVF at the time. I hate thinking back on those months of not knowing what we were going to do! My husband and I sat down and weighed out all the pros and cons (when we were both relaxed and could really talk about it.) We came to the conclusion no matter what, IVF would be worth it. Though faced failures again. Multiple – with own and donor eggs. Finally got luck with our last DE IVF shot.I don’t believe anyone deserves this..Be strong, honey, may god bless you for all your struggles.

    12/19/2018 at 12:09 pm
  8. I’m so sorry you faced this! Poor thing you are, may God help you.

    I believe the next step might be surrogacy for you. How does your Dr. feel about this?
    We’ve tried 3 failed cycles with our own egg before. All of them failed. My body couldn’t carry the pregnancy for longer than 7 weeks. I was destroyed each time seeing bfp and expecting an mc. I’m not sure if you see what I mean. This is the period when you cannot feel positive about the treatment ’cause both of your previous attempts ended with disaster and depression.

    We came across BTC name on several boards. Decided to have a look at their page first to see the costs first. I know one should look for high success rates of the clinic. But the financial burden for us was vital too since we’ve paid out of the pocket for our previous shots which left us extremely short for money and childless. Frankly speaking, we were shocked we could sign for surrogacy for 30k euros! And have those lists of services provided!

    Wishing you the best on your way ahead. If anything interests you, feel free to ask.

    09/02/2020 at 9:15 am