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Symptoms after embryo transfer 8th day

Symptoms after embryo transfer 8th day

  1. Scarlette5

    Hello, I had a 5 day blastocyst transfer. I’ve been testing every day even though I know I shouldn’t every time it’s a negative. Today is day 8 post transfer. I tested early this morning at 1 am and still negative. I stayed home today from work because I’ve had a migraine for two days now.- I do have a history of migraines. But what I’m confused about and I haven’t read that others have the same symptoms is cramping. I’ve had cramping on and off ever since the day of transfer but its more today- day 8 than any other day. If I had a transfer on May 31st when should I be getting my period. Monday the 12th the day of my blood pregnancy test? I keep reading that if it was a 5 day transfer that I should have tested positive already because they implant faster. I honestly have no clue… help I’m desperate for some answers. 🙂 thank you,

    06/08/2017 at 9:37 pm
  2. Dear Scarlette5,

    Day 8 post a blastocyst embryo transfer is still a little bit too early for hCG levels to be detectable by a pregnancy test. There are still chances that you are pregnant but the test is still unable to show a positive result. My advice is that you take another one on day 10, preferably a blood test (they’re more accurate).

    On the other hand, there is also the possibility that the symptoms you’ve described (migraine, cramping, etc.) are caused by either the medications you’ve been taking for IVF or your next period. They’re normal symptoms, so there’s nothing to worry about in any case. Also, it is true that, if it was a blastocyst embryo transfer, you can take a pregnancy test earlier.

    See also: Symptoms After Embryo Transfer.

    For those who are still considering IVF, inviTRA can send you detailed cost estimates and get you special prices for your IVF treatment from international fertility clinics. If you are interested, all you have to do is fill out the following form and you will receive a free report in a few minutes: Cost Calculator for IVF.

    I hope I have been able to help.

    Best of luck!

    06/09/2017 at 8:55 am
  3. Hey ladies, just to let you know, I had no symptoms after embryo transfer but still got pregnant and now my baby is 6 months old… Just don’t become obsessed with feeling symptoms or anything, just let time do its thing and see what happens… Becoming obsessed add stress to a situation that requires happiness and relax…

    12/04/2017 at 5:24 pm
    • So true robertasimoncelli!

      12/05/2017 at 9:04 am
    • Thank you!

      12/05/2017 at 11:30 am
  4. Hi there. How do you do? Have you consulted with the Dr? I think only a specialist will guide you the best. I hope all your problems vanish away. You must go to at least 3 doctors. I wish you have the best. Take care of your diet and health. Good luck.

    01/03/2018 at 5:54 am
  5. About 9-11 days after the transfer (9 days for day 5 transfer and 11 days for day 3 transfer) pregnancy test can be taken. Doctors do a blood test to find out if she is pregnant. If embryo implantation has occurred, HCG hormone will be detectable in the mother’s blood at that time. After IVF urine pregnancy test is not recommended by doctors. Wait for sometime, you will definitely get the positive result.

    01/04/2018 at 7:21 pm
  6. I don’t know much about it. One thing I can say surely is that stress can reduce the chances of being pregnant. I think you should not overthink. I have heard cases when the symptoms were not evident and the woman was pregnant. You seem to be distressed a lot. Do not take tension. Maybe relaxing can help you in dealing with the cramps.

    01/11/2018 at 6:20 am
  7. First of all would like to congratulate you on the successful fertilization. You said that it’s just 5 days passed your embryo transfer. I have read that is a fertility clinic that it’s too early to do pregnancy test. Even though the symptoms of embryo implantation may vary from person to person. If everything is normal the pregnancy symptoms can be noticed 8th day post transfer. So I would suggest you to wait for few more days and repeat your pregnancy test again.

    01/13/2018 at 10:05 pm
  8. i think that waiting a while is the best thing to do till some more time passes. you are still in a pretty initial stage and i think that the hormone levels dont spike that much till day 8. from my personal experience, i think that you should take the test with a two day gap for a couple more days. that is more likely to give you accurate results. i hope that this turns out to be successful for you. i have had a very positive experience through the process, and i wish that its the same for you. best of luck to you, and best wishes!

    01/15/2018 at 4:16 pm