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About ET: 4 grade A embryos transferred and negative HPT on day 11

About ET: 4 grade A embryos transferred and negative HPT on day 11

  1. Julie

    Hello Sandra!
    I had my ET on the 5/12/16. I had 4 embryos both grade A transferred. The first days had little pain like cramp but no spotting. My breasts are little tender but nothing else. Today on the 11th day after ET I did a HPT that was negative. Did I test a little early or what? It was a day-3 embryo. Do you think I have any chance of becoming pregnant? Please help! I am really worried.

    12/16/2016 at 12:47 pm
  2. I forgot to mention that the procedure also includes laser assisted hatching.

    12/16/2016 at 12:54 pm
    • Dear Julie,

      Thanks for your post.

      Yes, you probably tested a bit too early. Was it a blastocyst transfer? If so, pregnancy tests can be done from day 10 onwards, as it was a 5-day embryo already. If it was a 3-day embryo transfer, you may have obtained a false negative result, because your hCG levels may be still too low as to be detectable.

      Wait till day 15 post embryo transfer, and then repeat the pregnancy test. If it’s negative again, then I’m afraid embryo implantation has not occurred.

      My advice in case you get a positive result is that you read the following post: Positive signs after embryo transfer: common pregnancy symptoms.

      Also, this post may be useful to understand the rate of increase in hCG levels should pregnancy occur: Beta hCG levels during pregnancy.

      I hope I have been able to help,

      Best wishes

      12/19/2016 at 9:08 am
  3. Thank you very much for your help. I did the blood test yesterday and it was positive.
    I really appreciate your help

    12/22/2016 at 2:10 pm
  4. Hello Sandra!
    I have one more question: my first HCG level was 691.5. Two days later it was 2437.6. Is it possible that I might have twins?
    Thanks in advance!

    12/29/2016 at 2:06 pm
    • Dear Julie,

      Hello again and sorry for my delayed response.

      It depends on how many weeks pregnant you are when taking the pregnancy test. Although it is true that sharp increases in beta-hCG levels are one of the most common signs of a twin pregnancy, it is not the definitive proof.

      For example, if a woman is 5 weeks pregnant, this increase could be considered as normal. Between weeks 5 and 6, beta-hCG levels are expected to double at a higher rate.

      How many weeks pregnant are you now?

      The following post may be of interest: Beta hCG levels during pregnancy


      01/05/2017 at 11:44 am
    • It’s okay Sandra. Thanks for your response. At the time of the last beta report I was 4 weeks and couple of days. Now I’m 6 weeks but I don’t know my beta level at this point.
      Thanks again!

      01/05/2017 at 12:41 pm