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Asherman’s syndrome, multiple miscarriages and surrogacy

Asherman’s syndrome, multiple miscarriages and surrogacy

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">jack and mary-ann</span>
    jack and mary-ann

    Hello, my wife has been having problems to get pregnant, that’s why we finally decided to visit a doctor, because we wanted answers. About a week ago, we had our first appointment and unfortunately she was told the news she suffers from Asherman’s syndrome. As they told us, “it’s a condition in which the uterine walls stick/adhere to one another”. There’s a surgical intervention that might help us cure this condition. Even though they told us it’s a case of mild adhesion as less than 15% of her uterine cavity is adhered, and she could get pregnant after surgery, but to be honest we’re not too sure as it involves various risks. My wife is afraid of undergoing surgery as well, and since there are no guarantees that’s going to work, she wouldn’t like to do it, and neither do I. Imagine that we do it and the result is not good enough, so she finally has to end up using a surrogate anyway, then we don’t see the point of doing this, you know? Perhaps, we think, it’s more sensible to avoid surgery and come to terms with the fact that we need a gestational carrier. What is your opinion on this? Please give us your feedback.

    02/18/2016 at 10:28 am
  2. Hello jack and mary-ann,

    the Asherman’s syndrome (AS) is a condition affecting the uterine cavity, characterized by the presence of adhesions in the uterine cavity, which is to say, the uterine walls adhere to one another, reducing therefore the percentage of a woman’s uterine cavity that is open. Depending on how severe this adhesions are, i.e. percentage of uterine cavity adhered, we can find mild, moderate or severe cases of AS.

    In your case, as your doctor stated, yours is a case of mild Asherman’s, which is the most common case. Thus, the most common in cases like yours is that surgery solves the problem and you are finally able to get pregnant without problems. However, it is true that we cannot be 100% sure that it is going to work.

    Now it’s time for you to decide if you are ready to undergo surgery, keeping in mind what are your success rates, which do not reach 100% even though they’re rather high. It’s important that you follow medical directions and get as much information on this matter as possible before the intervention.

    On the other hand, surrogacy or surrogate motherhood should be your last choice, that is, an alternative fertility option provided that you’ve exhausted all your options to achieve pregnancy.

    I hope I have been able to help,


    03/04/2016 at 8:58 am
    • Hello, do you know that the famous Mexican painter Frida Kahlo suffered from this condition as well? I find it’s quite terrible… I don’t have it, but my best friend is dealing with it, and it’s so hard that I started to investigate about it. I’m currently studying Biology, and rare conditions such as AS are fascinating for me. Anyhow, Frida suffered multiple miscarriages throughout her life, which caused her to feel great emotional pain. She had a bad bus accident in 1925, which some related to her fertility issues. But some also argue that she may have had Asherman’s syndrome. And you know what? That’s why her paintings always showed something related to fertility… wombs, fetuses, pelvic bones, have you ever noticed this? Of course, she didn’t have it diagnosed, because in Kahlo’s days, no medical equipment to monitor the condition existed.

      03/05/2016 at 10:04 am